
The Great Wait: America Votes

Sheila · 11/04/08 12:19PM

It warms our cold hearts to see everyone standing in line to vote today—no matter who they're choosing. Here are photos from voting lines all over the country—from pre-dawn in Kansas to fall foliage in Chicago to the theater district in Manhattan.

The Greatest Depression, as Seen on the Covers of The Economist

ian spiegelman · 10/19/08 03:01PM

It's always fun to get slammed by a disaster and then to look back and discover that some people had been warning you about it forever. Well, The Economist has been publishing scary covers warning of DOOM for years, and they are compiled in a nifty slide show here. We've put together a tasty little sampler after the jump.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles Survive... For Now

ian spiegelman · 10/18/08 11:33AM

Too few sci-fi nerds are doing their duty and watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Its ratings have stunk this season and if they don't get better it could be canceled. Fortunately, according to this guy, it's still very popular with advertisers, so Fox has just ordered another season. And everyone better start watching it or poor Summer Glau will be out of a job again, just like when the bastards canceled Firefly. As a reminder of how important it is that Glau remain on television, here are a bunch of pics of her being hot.

The Definitive John McCain Crazy-Face Gallery

Richard Lawson · 10/17/08 03:02PM

Republican presidential nominee John McCain finally made a much-belated appearance on Late Night with David Letterman last night, and he doddered his way through with his "legendary" sense of humor. He's like a grampa making silly jokes at your miserable family birthday party! And it's not just what comes out of his mouth that's funny, it's what he makes his face do—intentionally or not. Our videographer Richard Blakeley has sifted through dozens of photographs and video stills and found the best of McCain's crazy facial expressions. Some say he's on Adderall, others that he's just a weird, bemusing old dude who isn't quite spring chicken enough for the highest office in the land. We just think he makes funny faces. Take a look at the photos after the jump and decide for yourself.

10 Beautiful Movie Posters

Richard Lawson · 10/15/08 10:23AM

When it's done right, movie art is great. Stunning, provocative, intriguing, and all those other "hmm" things that make you want to see a movie that will probably end up being shit. One of my dream jobs is to be the person who puts together trailers for films. I would love to make the posters too, but I haven't the talent for design. Thankfully some people do, as evidenced by this gallery of "beautiful movie posters." Indeed, many of them are quite lovely! I've put together a little gallery of my favorites from the list (and added a few of my own) after the jump.

Awesome High-Speed Photography

ian spiegelman · 10/11/08 03:55PM

Ah high-speed photography. Destructive and gorgeous. WebUrbanist has a really cool exhibit of photos and accompanying essays which you should definitely check out. We have a modest sampling after the jump.

The Best Of Cigarette Pseudoscience

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/08 11:08AM

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard arguments in a class action case accusing the tobacco industry of fraud for its marketing campaign aimed at convincing the public that "light" cigarettes are safer. This just shows you how far we've come: 50 years ago, we would have had to call the Supreme Court to determine which brand has the smoothest flavor for your T-Zone"! Coincidentally, the New York Public Library is now holding a huge exhibition of hi-larious old cigarette ads. With doctors! Babies! Blackface! And other outrages! In honor of our nation's justice system, the 15 best are below:

Cool Scientific Artwork

ian spiegelman · 09/27/08 04:28PM

The winners of the 2008 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge have been announced, and you can check them all out at, like the one on the left which won the Photography competition and depicts "a community of microscopic diatoms - unicellular algae with a peculiar glass-like cell wall—attached to a marine invertebrate. Some more stunning selections after the jump.

The Unsung Heroes of Star Wars

ian spiegelman · 08/17/08 02:17PM

It takes a lot of people-and assorted creatures-to stage an epic war between the forces of good and evil that spans an entire galaxy. Sadly, most of the minor players are long forgotten thanks to scene stealers like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Darth Vader. But these obscure warriors are being properly celebrated today. More after the jump.

Supercool Star Wars Art

ian spiegelman · 07/20/08 04:26PM

Yeah, yeah, The Dark Night beat Revenge of the Sith's opening day record and now it's gone on to beat Spider-Man 3 for biggest debut ever, but I still love Star Wars more than anything, and so we celebrate with neat Star Wars art from a photoshop contest over at Worth1000.

The Downtown Art Walk Review (In Which I Pretend I Know Fuck-all About Art)

T-RO · 07/11/08 08:10PM

As an ex-New Yorker who is brand spanking new to L.A., the concept of downtown being a dead zone is quite strange. And having only driven through late at night (going the wrong way, on a one-way street, natch) I was curious to see what an L.A. downtown art walk would be like (held every second Thursday of the month from 12 to 9). Art Walks in Seattle’s Pioneer Square were fun, but were too often filled with "Look ma, I has knitted you a rainbow hat!"—a/k/a bad hippie art. And the Chelsea Art Walks in NYC were impenetrable and thick with snobbery and unintentional comedy: rich people wearing all black, posing seriously in front of pictures with their heads cocked just so to the sides. L.A.’s version proved to be far more pleasant and interesting—exhilarating even. Won't you join along as I take you on a photographic tour?

The Smokey Bunch: Young Hollywood Just Can't Quit Cigs

Molly Friedman · 06/25/08 03:15PM

Loose-lipped Jack Black has recently decided to abandon his pre-married man habits like staying up too late with “beer” and “dudes,” but by far the most impressive habit Black claims to have kicked is smoking. Though we don't really immediately picture a carton of cigarettes when thinking of the Brangelina baby blabber, there are more than a few stars who we see smoking so often we automatically reach for a cancer stick whenever we see them on-screen. So who are the smokiest chimneys in Hollywood these days? We put together a list of the newbies and their predecessors, all of whom we feel should be notified that Joshua Kelley, no matter what Heigl has told them, is not, in fact, an ashtray:

The Mermaid Parade Ball

ian spiegelman · 06/22/08 02:15PM

All sorts of freaky worlds collide every year at Coney Island's annual Mermaid Parade. And photographer Eric M. Townsend was kind enough to provide us with some color from the Parade's afterparty last night at Childs Restaurant on the Boardwalk. More photo fun after the jump.

Animal Cuteness Overload!

ian spiegelman · 06/21/08 03:58PM

Happy Summer, everyone! The folks at have assembled a big ol' slideshow of totally adorable animals (and a couple of kids) being totally adorable. Cuteness run amok after the jump!

Meat Lover Jessica Simpson Becomes Latest Celebrity To Face Snarky Wrath Of PETA

Molly Friedman · 06/17/08 06:05PM

No blog, talking head or alcoholic British songbird can compete with PETA when it comes to snark. For decades, the animal lovers have verbally beheaded countless starlets for their fur and snakeskin accessories, but only recently have their targets bitten back. After seeing a recent photo of plumper-than-usual Jessica Simpson sporting one of those so-last-season message t-shirts reading "Real Girls Eat Meat," we wondered how many of her peers have boldly set themselves up for one of PETA's trademark white powder massacres. Having called Nicole Richie "an incredible shrinking woman with the heart to match," advising Ashley Olsen that "wearing fur does add 20 pounds, but if [she] wants to fill out her frame, we suggest using a fork instead," and telling Lindsay Lohan "there's no road to recovery for the foxes who are anally electrocuted so that you can look skanky," has PETA inspired any other starlets to publicly react just as vehemently? We take a look at the ongoing battles after the jump.

The Ten Best Craigslist Cash-Waver Remixes

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/08 11:59AM

The Craigslist Cash-Waver is a certified internet star. When we posted the original photos from his Craigslist personal ad (showing him with a fan of $20 bills to impress the girls), and then his angry voicemail demanding that we take them down or else, little did we know how big he would become. His photos spawned an entire genre of visual remixes, which elevated the cash-waving theme to fantastic new heights. Some of the reaction was stupid, and some was even racist. But some was pure, hilarious magic. After the jump, a photo gallery of the ten most inspired Cash-Waving Craigslist Player Photoshop jobs-a testament to the scary power of smart, mean, bored people on the internet. We fear you all.

Photo-Bombers: The Lurking Menace

ian spiegelman · 06/15/08 10:15AM

Photo-bombers. They creep madly among us, ruining our special memories. The folks at have put together a nifty slide-show of these insidious creatures. Some of my faves-including the cutest bomber ever!-after the jump.