
Edwards Mistress On Letting Go

Ryan Tate · 08/20/08 09:30PM

TMZ has uncovered brief footage of Rielle Hunter on a game show called Lingo in 2002. Salient details: The show was hosted by Chuck Woolery of Love Connection fame (HA), and also Hunter claims to be practiced at moving on from things, even though she's now living on the dole of a supporter of John Edwards more than a year after the Democratic politician said their affair ended. Maybe she has some other reason for taking the money, other than being clingy, like a scandalous GENUINE love child. This very brief excerpt is pretty convincing/damning/irrefutable.

The Second TBS Saw The 'Match Game' Pilot, They Threw It Right On The Pile Marked...Blank

Seth Abramovitch · 06/20/08 01:30PM

If you are one of the millions of Match Game fans who long to return to those halcyon days when life was a breezy '70s cocktail-party-cum-game show—a double-tiered ping pong match of witty innuendo deftly presided over by a comforting, avuncular presence—well, then TBS's proposed update might let you down. If, however, you'd like to see Sarah Silverman respond to the set-up, "Melodical Murray is a human musical instrument; he makes music by blowing his...blank," with the answer, "BIG BLACK COCK"—then maybe this show is for you!

New Advertising Paradigm: 'Meow Meow Meow Meow'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/08 10:12AM

Ads, of course, are everywhere. But at least back in the good old days (last week), they would only creep into the borders of our TV shows, rather than becoming the entire show itself. Well, those days are gone, friend. Give up your outdated ideas about what programming should be, and settle in with a bowl of wet food and your hungry cat for a fine evening receiving the subtle marketing messages of the "Meow Mix Game Show"!

Pack Up the Gilmore Girls, Nancy. We're Goin' On TV

Richard Lawson · 04/22/08 01:02PM

As the entertainment industry continues to poke at gays with sticks, trying to see what makes them work, I guess it was inevitable that a Will & Grace-themed game show would emerge. AfterElton recently spotted a Craigslist ad for a "major cable network" game show that will feature lovable duos of self-loathing gay men and the let-down-by-life-one-too-many-times women who befriend them. It has something to do with trivia or some such nonsense. The really gross and unfortunate casting call lies (intimately, yet platonically) after the jump.

To the Death

Richard Lawson · 03/26/08 10:09AM

Yay! Family Feud is coming back! And this time it will feature celebrity families like the Lohans and the Baldwins. I can't wait to see the Lohans versus the Osmonds, skulking through the hills of West Virginia, murdering each other for vague and ancient reasons. Excellent entertainment. What's that you say? It's just a game show? Oh. Well forget it then.. [Faded Youth] Also: Wikipedia says that in 1979, descendants of the Hatfield and McCoy families appeared on the Feud, competing for cash and a pig. Does anyone have more info (or hopefully video) on this?

The Worst Wheel Of Fortune Disasters Ever

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/08 02:28PM

Being on stage at Wheel of Fortune, the world's most prestigious game show, is probably a lot of pressure. All your friends back home are watching, and your hero Pat Sajak is staring down at you expectantly. But sometimes, there's just no excuse for what happens. After the jump, what may be the three worst failures in the show's history [culled from a list at Pwn The Net]. Watch, weep, and umm... sympathize? Or not.


Richard Lawson · 01/30/08 05:06PM

Fox's monstrous tell-the-truth-for-sweet-sweet-cash game show, Moment of Truth, has apparently been attracting some interest from "celebrities" like Roger Clemens and suspected murderer Drew Peterson. Juicers and murderers. Mission accomplished, Fox. May we suggest Mary-Kate Olsen? [Vulture]

We Can Handle The Truth

Richard Lawson · 01/25/08 10:31AM

Moment of Truth, that hideous new game show that precariously rewards people for telling the truth about their embarrassing lives, seems to be a hit. Fox is reporting the highest retention rate of any post-Idol show ever; 94 percent to be exact, for a total of 23.2 million viewers. Mike Darnell, president of Fox's ominously titled "alternative entertainment", is quoted as saying "What I care about is it is causing a dialogue about telling the truth." Ah yes. No better grease for the gears of public discourse than a rabid public watching someone shame themselves for the promise of money. [AP]

The Devolution Will Be Televised

Richard Lawson · 01/23/08 10:19PM

Mark L. Wahlberg, host of other proud and noble Fox shows Joe Millionaire and Temptation Island, is now our emcee for Moment of Truth, a "game show" that Entertainment Weekly calls "Genius" (or, maybe not). Tonight was the grand premiere. It's pretty much the nadir of the contemporary challenge show, which began so innocently with Regis Philbin shouting at poor, trivia-spouting office assistants. Contestants are asked to answer a series of horribly awkward questions (Would you have your wife get lipo if she got fat? Are you a gambling addict?) while three friends, lovers, or family members watch on in sweaty, money-craving horror. Are they telling the truth? Are they lying? Only predetermined lie detector test results will tell. The longer you tell the truth, the more you win. Watch here as Ty, a former professional football player and current personal trainer who has already admitted to checking out other dudes' "privates", takes the plunge, much to the chagrin of wife Catia. He leaves with nothing. Not even his dignity, which he traded in not at the door, but at some indefinable date years ago, when all of us gurgling Americans threw up our hands and said "Fuck it, gimme some cash."

Bob Barker's Rosie O'Donnell Endorsement Indicates He's Further Gone Than We Realized

seth · 06/18/07 01:22PM

Watching the telecast live from home, Rosie answered fan questions in real time on her blog, where she confirmed a backstage comment from best game show host winner (suck on that, Trebek) Bob Barker, who said O'Donnell—his first choice!—would be meeting with The Price is Right producers to discuss the possibility of fulfilling her long-held dream of becoming his Plinko-administrating successor. For O'Donnell, the development is a major coup, and proves kiss-assy full page ads in Variety really do work, but that will do little to console Price purists, who are dreading their visions of contestants' row bidders reaching into her pantsuit pocket to pull out Koosh Balls instead of $100 bills, and Showcase Showdown grand prizes consisting of lesbian family cruises to Antigua.