
Buzzfeed and Bobby Jindal Try to Out-Whore One Another

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/15 12:30PM

The media is often granted access to important people. What responsibility—if any—do news outlets have to not be dirty, desperate, pitiful whores in exchange for this access?

Bill De Blasio Leaving Mad Garbage on His Curb

Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/14 01:54PM

Tall socialist and New York City mayor "Bill" de Blasio is in the process of moving from his "regular guy" Brooklyn home into the "fancy guy" mayoral residence. He left some free crap on the curb, just like you did when you moved.

Everywhere to Be a Sonic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/14 10:37AM

Sonic, a fast food chain that differentiates itself by delivering garbage directly to your parked car, plans to expand into every last empty lot in the United States of America.

Tom Scocca · 10/23/13 11:35AM

The Boston Globe reports that the Red Sox almost pulled the plug on their fake tradition of playing the fake-fun musical atrocity "Sweet Caroline" at the ballpark, but the song's sentimental use after the marathon bombing ensured Fenway will be stuck with it forever.

Tom Scocca · 09/19/13 01:03PM

Here, from the Energy and Commerce Committee of the United States House of Representatives, is a roundup of generic reaction gifs presented for the sake of convincing you and your fellow citizens that the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline is sound public policy.

The Rihanna/Chris Brown Episode of Law & Order: SVU Was Despicable

Rich Juzwiak · 02/28/13 02:15PM

The ripped-from-the-headlines plot of last night's Law & Order: Special Victims Unit was inspired by Chris Brown's 2009 assault of his on-again-off-again girlfriend Rihanna. Disingenuously, the episode opened with a disclaimer: "The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event." Perhaps this is the disclaimer for every episode of this godawful show, but it was particularly untrue last night as the show went on to reference Chris Brown's apology video, Chris Brown's bowtie, Chris Brown's dick pic, Chris Brown's duet(s) with Rihanna, Rihanna's request to relax the restraining order she was granted, the leaked picture of Rihanna's battered face, Chris Brown's tattoo that kind of resembles Rihanna's battered face and Chris Brown and Rihanna's voluminous social-media interactions. Look at all of those coincidences and marvel at their hilariously incompetent executions.