
Matthew McConaughey Is Getting Into the Murder Business

Richard Lawson · 09/13/10 03:24PM

Don't tell Sarah Palin, but he wants to murder a mom. Also: James Cameron is everywhere forever, he will never die. A song gets turned into a movie, later to be turned into a Broadway musical, probably. HBO is dead.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 02/06/09 07:40AM

New York City's unofficial first lady, Diana Taylor, is celebrating her 54th birthday today. Hope Mike got you something nice! Others celebrating: Tom Brokaw is turning 69. Former Daily News gossip columnist Lloyd Grove is 54. Henry Blodget is 43. Chef Marc Murphy is turning 40. Axl Rose is turning 47. Journalist/author Michael Pollan is 54. Natalie Cole is 59. Rich Astley is turning 43. And Zsa Zsa Gabor is 92. Weekend birthdays after the jump.

Marissa Mayer's new Google logo bears striking similarity to Garth Brooks album cover

Jackson West · 06/10/08 03:00PM

While Google's Marissa Mayer's instructions were for a new, tiny logo that would work well on cell phones, could there have been a subtle, even sub-conscious appeal to the many, many fans of Garth Brooks in America's heartland, where Mayer was born and raised? Her tastes run more to Dale Chihuly than Dale Earnhardt these days, but you can never quite take the country out of the girl. Because as commenter wikipin pointed out, the florid, lowercase "g" bears a striking similarity to a two-CD set of live concert recordings from the country music superstar.