
An Anonymous Cop Is Here to Answer All Your Questions About the Police

Anonymous Cop · 03/17/15 10:00AM

Police officers turn up a lot in Gawker stories, but unless they’re a department commissioner giving a press conference or a union leader loudly berating a public official, it’s rare that they actually have a voice. What does the average beat cop think about Darren Wilson or Daniel Pantaleo? What is he looking for when he makes a stop for suspicious activity? Gawker’s anonymous cop is here to answer our readers’ most pressing questions.

Jeff Wise Is Here to Chat About His Flight MH370 Disappearance Theory

J.K. Trotter · 02/24/15 02:00PM

Anyone obsessed with the disappearance of Flight MH370 knows the name of Jeff Wise, a private pilot and science writer who has frequently appeared on CNN to track new developments in the search for the missing plane. Today he’s here to chat with Gawker readers about his personal theory—detailed in a 95-page Kindle Single and excerpted in New York magazine—for how the passenger jet vanished without a trace on March 8, 2014. It involves bogus flight data, Russian hijackers, and a remote facility in Kazakhstan (among others things).

Come Chat with Rupert Murdoch’s Unauthorized Biographer

J.K. Trotter · 11/20/13 12:30PM

David Folkenflik, the media correspondent for National Public Radio, has spent his career tracking the rise of Rupert Murdoch’s sprawling, multinational media empire. Now’s your chance to pick his mind.