On Second Thought, Maybe You Don't Want Paris Freed
mark · 05/07/07 01:29PM
Paris Hilton, as you may have heard from a pretty local news correspondent trying to explain why the boutiques of Robertson Blvd. were set aflame by pro-celebutard rioters on late Friday afternoon, was recently sentenced to spend 45 days in jail for violating her probation by driving on a suspended license. If you're anything like us, you immediately took to the web to find a t-shirt that would succinctly express your outrage over this miscarriage of justice, but, after some more soul-searching on the matter, you decided that this unexpected summer vacation might teach Hilton a valuable lesson about listening to publicists, rendering your FREE PARIS impulse buy suddenly unrepresentative of your feelings.Take heart, for the Gawker Shop now offers its own t-shirt to reflect your change of heart about the heiress's upcoming incarceration: the DON'T FREE PARIS, available in wide array of sizes, allowing Hilton fans of virtually any body-shape to let the world know he or she has Hilton's best interests at heart. Consume.
Your T-Shirts Are Almost Ready
abalk2 · 01/23/07 04:30PM
You've been there, you've done that. What's left? Ah, yes, these fine 100% cotton, American Apparel garments. These works of art in clothing form were your two top selections in our recent tee-off; they're available for pre-order from the Gawker shop at a special price. (Congratulations to Gawker commenter swedefish, who suggested "I Hate Your Kids.") Order now and soon enough you'll be explaining to all of your friends that, no, you're not wearing a shirt that says you're a douche, it's more of a play on words that - oh, never mind, you wouldn't understand. Even better news: Our quest for humorous leisurewear is far from over: Want to suggest your own creation, or simply vote on those of others? You can! Shop early and often.
Defamer's Next Top T-Shirt Slogan: Votes And Submissions Still Welcome
mark · 01/17/07 04:09PM
Good news! Our first attempt at inducing you to submit and/or vote on slogans that will at some future date be slapped on the front of a Defamer-themed t-shirt available for purchase in the Gawker Shop was such a success that we're going to ask you to return to the submitting/voting fray once again. After the jump, you can view all the slogans currently in play, or offer new ones (remember, you can only donate your creative powers once per half hour) for evaluation by a jury of your peers, who undoubtedly find their own exhaustion-themed contribution far more worthy than the cocaine-inspired creation you dreamed up while blowing a rail in the LAX (club or airport, we don't judge) bathroom last night. Get ready to prop yourself up with a satisfying "I'd Buy!" click, then fight back against their obviously ego-driven blindness with a highly prejudicial "No Way" vote-down by following the pretty "Continued" graphic below.
Defamer's Next Top T-Shirt Slogan
mark · 01/12/07 02:19PM
In our ongoing attempt to give you new and exciting ways to interact with this Intertubes Blogsite and fritter away even more of your employer's valuable time, we are happy to invite you, the reader who always believed that the whispers the voice inside your head distracts you with as you try to roll calls would make a catchy t-shirt slogan, to provide (and/or vote on! See? Interactive!) the idea for the next high-quality Defamer garment to be sold in the Gawker Shop. Here's how it works: The creative-minded can submit their slogans in the form found after the jump (after submitting, you'll be whisked off to the live, Digg-style voting), while the impatient and judgmental can jump directly to the voting page to celebrate the inspired or euthanize the feeble. And while we recognize that you are undoubtedly brimming with sloganeering genius, we prefer you not drain your reserves too quickly, and so limit you to a single submission every half-hour. Get to work, before the Lindsay Lohan-related idea you had is rendered obsolete by a newer and more suspicious emergency surgery.
Gawker You-Shirt: "Douch!" in a Walk?
Chris Mohney · 01/11/07 12:40PM
Despite an early lead and pre-existence elsewhere in shirt form, "Be Adequite" has steadily lost ground to the potentially immortal "Douch !" as Gawker readers' collective suggestion for a new t-shirt slogan. Numerous other douche references, in-house humor, anti-hipster jokes, and outright sexual come-ons. Feel free to add your own submissions to the fray (one submission every 30 minutes, idiocy will be deleted), or just check out the current vote totals. Next week, we'll pick a winner, or winners, and commence to rounding up orphans to operate the looms at the Gawker Media shirtwaist factory.
New Gawker T-Shirt Designed by You
skidder · 01/09/07 12:20PM
Given all the accolades You have won over the past year, isn't it time we started harnessing Your enormous potential? What better use of Your talents could there be, other than designing the next Gawker t-shirt? We're not talking some namby-pamby email slogan submission this time, neither. We're getting all up in Your social media. Slogans can be entered and voted on LIVE, right in front of Your face, with Digg-style up-down votes on every candidate. After the jump, submit as many slogans as You want (though You're limited to one submission every 30 minutes). You'll be taken directly to the voting page after adding your slogan to the mix, or You can skip the sloganeering and go right to the voting. Thrill us with Your t-shirt designing acumen.