
Bill Maher Would Like Some More Biden Gaffes, Please

Matt Toder · 05/11/12 10:19PM

It's become clear that Joe Biden going off script during last week's appearance on Meet the Press accelerated President Obama's statement on gay marriage, which is fine by Bill Maher. On tonight's Real Time, Maher made a plea for more of Biden's gaffes, so long as they lead to Democrats saying what they actually believe and not just what they think is politically prudent.

Bacon, Kate Upton, and Other Things You Can't Make Fun of On Twitter

Drew Magary · 05/11/12 04:23PM

I've dicked around on Twitter long enough to be able to have a composite persona of it in my head. If Twitter were a person, it would look like a hipster and it would like hipster music, but it would fucking HATE hipsters. It would be socially liberal, but it would totally respect Ron Paul for being genuine about his nutjob views. It would constantly be arguing with itself as to whether or not it liked watching "Girls." And it would come after you with a claw hammer to the face if you dared to rail against the following subjects.

Jon Stewart Examines the Right's Evolving Viewpoint on Same Sex Marriage

Matt Toder · 05/10/12 10:34PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart continued to examine the ramifications of President Obama's statement about same sex marriage by looking at Fox News' response. He looked specifically at the ways that response has evolved over the years from same sex marriage as first step in bestiality to same sex marriage as political posturing to the majority.

Jon Stewart Weighs In On President Obama's Same Sex Marriage Comments

Matt Toder · 05/09/12 10:37PM

Earlier today, President Obama stated that he believes that same sex couples should be able to marry. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart weighed in on those comments and the reaction to them. He also had some harsh words for North Carolina and the state's new stringent anti-marriage equality law.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan Comes Out in Support of Gay Marriage

Max Read · 05/07/12 10:13AM

U.S. Secretary of Education and Chief Presidential Basketball Guy Arne Duncan endorsed marriage equality on Monday morning, telling Mark Halperin on Morning Joe that "yes," he believes gay men and women should be allowed to marry. (Not each other: you know what I mean, though.)

Maryland On Track to Approve Gay Marriage

Caity Weaver · 02/23/12 09:29PM

Maryland, the U.S. state with the most bonkers flag, could become the eighth one to approve same-sex marriage, after its Senate voted today to approve the measure.

This Italian Gay Wedding Video Will Make You Believe in Romance

Brian Moylan · 02/14/12 02:18PM

It's Valentine's Day and you're either hating yourself for being single, thinking of ways to please your mate, or waiting to pounce on half-drunk needy people at the bar tonight for an easy lay. Well, how about an Italian same-sex wedding video to bring the romance back.

Bill to Legalize Gay Marriage Clears Major Hurdle in Washington State

Nell Jensen · 02/02/12 01:17AM

The Washington state Senate voted 28 in favor (including four Republicans) to 21 against late Wednesday evening to pass a bill legalizing gay marriage. The bill now goes to the House, where it's expected to pass, and Governor Chris Gregoire has already said she will sign it. So basically, the hard part is over and gay and lesbian couples will be able to get married by June unless crabby homophobes can muster around 120,000 signatures before that time to force a referendum.

Washington State Is Going to Legalize Gay Marriage

Brian Moylan · 01/23/12 06:00PM

A marriage equality bill is all but ensured to be passed in the Washington state legislature and will be signed into law by their governor, making it the seventh state in the country to allow gay men and lesbians to get married (well, to members of the same sex, that is). Congratulations, Seattle, you're about to get that much more self righteous.

There's a Slight Chance Obama Will Finish 'Evolving' on His Gay Marriage Stance Soon

Jim Newell · 01/20/12 02:41PM

It's been 13 months since President Obama chose to start "evolving" his stance on gay marriage back to where it was in 1996. In what world is evolution supposed to be such a slow, gradual process? He might finally be wrapping things up, though, as Press Secretary Jay Carney today would not rule "in or out" the possibility that he'll announce his support for gay marriage during next week's State of the Union.

You Will Absolutely Fall in Love with This Adorable Couple's Wonderful Year

Brian Moylan · 12/19/11 02:00PM

There is nothing worse than those letters you get in Christmas cards recapping what someone's family has been doing for the past year. Maybe everyone should start making videos of their year, like this beautiful, sweet, wonderful, and every other positive adjective gay couple.

The U.S. Needs More Ads Like This

Max Read · 11/26/11 03:35PM

Here's a sweet Australian ad for—well, I don't want to ruin the surprise (you will probably be able to guess what's going to happen anyway), except to say that the United States could stand to see more campaigns like this.