
Gay Vito's Death Cue Killed

mark · 08/16/07 06:45PM

It seemed inevitable that the GLAAD-led protest of former Sopranos star Joseph "Gay Vito" Gannascoli's endorsement of the billiards implement used to rape and murder his leather-loving TV character would quickly lead to the removal of the item from his "To Die For" line of merchandise (and its establishment as an instant collectors' item—the cues should be hitting eBay any minute). Indeed, TV Week reports that the manufacturer has already yanked it from their website and that the actor has issued the necessary mea culpa:

Own A Pool Cue Just Like The One Used To Rape And Kill Gay Vito!

mark · 08/14/07 10:41AM

With his role on the most important TV drama in the history of the medium wrapped and nothing to look forward to but months of frustrating phonecalls in which his agents begs him to do "just one more leather daddy mobster part, for old time's sake. Ya gotta eat!," one can hardly blame former Sopranos star Joseph "Gay Vito" Gannascoli for trying to pick up some money on the side by capitalizing on his iconic character. GLAAD, however, isn't too happy about a product he's chosen to endorse: the "Cue To Die For" pool stick, a must-have memento for any fan who wants to relive Vito's fatal bludgeoning and sodomy each time he chalks up before a tough shot. Reports TV Week: