
Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 12:32PM

"We've come to Washington to ask our government to stop demanding for Israel to show restraint," the Christians United for Israel founding pastor told his audience. Later, an IDF veteran told the cheering, flag-waving Christians: "The soldiers of Israel must smash their skulls and break their spines."

WSJ Op-Ed Defends Killing Gazans in Eerily Familiar Language

Adam Weinstein · 07/22/14 11:07AM

This new Mideast war has been full of mealy-mouthed, dishonest rationales for killing the hell out of some people. What's been missing is a clear, honest rationale for killing the hell out of everybody. Fortunately, the Wall Street Journal has a wild-haired charlatan on it.

Is Israel Really as Good at Shooting Down Rockets as it Claims?

Adam Weinstein · 07/21/14 12:50PM

Israel's "Iron Dome" anti-rocket system is one of the most reliable defense tools on earth. It stops almost every deadly missile tossed its way. It is a miracle of modern civilization. These are claims repeated by reputable Western news sources. But what if they're bogus?

Graphic Video Shows Sniper Shooting a Relief Worker on a Gaza Street

Adam Weinstein · 07/21/14 12:22PM

The man was perhaps in his early twenties, laboring with yellow-vested relief workers in the rubble of Shujaiyeh to cart out survivors on gurneys and find his family and friends. He was shot, and he fell. The shots kept coming. In a conflict marked by horrific images, this may be the worst yet.

Israel Destroys More Hamas Tunnels, Palestinian Death Toll Nears 500

Allie Jones · 07/21/14 07:33AM

Israeli officials said Monday that its military destroyed two more hidden tunnels operated by Hamas, killing 10 militants attempting to enter Israel. Israel may not get to finish its operation to destroy all the tunnels, however—Secretary of State John Kerry is headed to Cairo to "seek an immediate halt to hostilities."

Why Did NBC Yank a Gaza Reporter Who Saw Children Killed on the Beach?

Adam Weinstein · 07/17/14 02:05PM

Media attention in Gaza yesterday focused on a sudden Israeli artillery strike that killed four children as they played on the beach, in front of numerous journalists. One of those reporters, NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin, documented the aftermath in stark detail. Today, NBC pulled him out of Gaza.

Israel Agrees to Five Hour “Humanitarian Window”

Aleksander Chan · 07/16/14 06:01PM

Israel has agreed to halt its attacks on Gaza for five hours Thursday in accordance to a deal brokered by the United Nations' special envoy to the Middle East, Robert H. Serry. The temporary break from assaults for a "humanitarian window" comes after days of airstrikes between the Israeli military and Hamas and the death of more than 200 Palestinians.

This Is Not a Human Shield

John Cook · 11/21/12 11:45AM

By launching rockets from densely populated civilian areas, we are told, Hamas is guilty of using "human shields." It is deliberately conducting military operations near civilians in order to deter Israel from responding, for fear of killing civilians. There is one problem with this formulation: Israel has not been deterred. The humans are not shielding Hamas. The Israeli Defense Forces are killing them. They're not "human shields." They're just dead.