
Who Is the Patti Smith of Lena Dunham's Generation?

Maggie Lange · 08/07/13 11:07AM

Our Generation's Lena Dunham was the keynote speaker at a fundraiser last night for comptroller candidate Scott Stringer. (Dunham's best friend and real-life Marnie is Audrey Gelman, Stringer's press secretary.) Dunham opened her speech by saying,"When Scott told me he was running for comptroller, the first thing I did was Google the word comptroller... I thought the comptroller was the guy who rode on the back of the fire truck and steered!"

Young People Are Growing Up Together and TIME Cannot Believe It

Caity Weaver · 05/09/13 05:14PM

On Thursday, TIME magazine was shocked once again to discover that humans who were born around the same time are suddenly becoming adults around the same time. In the millennial-centric cover story of the May 20th edition, titled “The ME ME ME Generation” (alternate title: Some Things About Millennials Are Great and Some Things About Them Are Bad But Pretty Much Nothing About Them Is Interesting When Committed to Ink In the Fashion of this Article I Now Realize), author Joel Stein observes that the past few decades' beautiful crop of young people may be “the last large birth grouping that will be easy to generalize about." Of course, this statement disproves his point even as he makes it. (Stay tuned for Post-Millennials: The Un-Generalizeable Generation.)

New York Times Launches Blog for Under-Represented 'Boomer' Demographic

Max Read · 09/13/12 10:11AM

Why has The New York Times launched a new blog aimed at Baby Boomers, when the paper itself is already a testament to the sick, sad reign of the Jerks that Ruined Everything? "Our generation, the biggest in the country's history, has always given ourselves and everyone else lots to talk about," writes Michael Winerip in the opening post. "Booming [This is the name of the blog, LOL — Ed.] offers a wide-open space for these conversations."

What Shall We Call This Next Generation?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/12 03:50PM

Kids these days: what the hell are they? That is the question that faces American time-wasters today. As you know, the latest generation with a formal name is "The Millennials," and they are basically the worst, continuing the grand tradition of every new generation being the worst.

Market Research: Young People Neither 'Hate' Anything Nor 'Love' Anything

Max Read · 08/06/10 01:52AM

Marketing research firm Civic Science was forced to recalibrate its survey scoring system after finding that "millennials"—children born between the late 1970s and early 2000s—don't feel particularly strongly about anything. Not true! Want to know what millennials hate?

What Stupid Thing Should We Call The Next Generation?

Adrian Chen · 06/10/10 08:36PM

What do we call kids under 12? Uncreative people say "Generation Z" The guy who coined the term "millenials" suggests "homelanders". Please let it not be this. Suggestions? Bigger question: Why didn't we start with the letter "A?" [AP]

Jack Nicholson Admits To Have Spreading Himself A Little Thin

seth · 12/10/07 02:35PM

It's often in this relative slow-news stretch before the holidays that some of the most astonishing celebrity revelations come to light: Perhaps, with New Year's resolutions right around the corner, they feel the time is right to relieve themselves of something weighing heavily upon their conscience, such as, say, the 9000 illegitimate children they've roughly calculated to have sired throughout their four-decade reign atop Hollywood's Perennial Bachelor Mountain.