Universally Reviled Australian Bumping Obamas From Blair House
Pareene · 01/07/09 10:03AMBush Aleady Packing His Stuff
Ryan Tate · 01/07/09 01:19AMGlossy Book of Lies Will Save Bush Legacy
Pareene · 01/05/09 01:29PMWas Pardoning a Dead Guy Bush's Consolation Prize for Israel?
Owen Thomas · 12/24/08 02:37PMDeath of Rove's IT Genius Births New Conspiracy Theory
Owen Thomas · 12/24/08 02:03PMBush Issues Bizarre Pardons To No One Currently Serving Time
Pareene · 12/23/08 03:01PMThrowing Shoes: Attempted Murder
Hamilton Nolan · 12/17/08 11:32AMYour Bush Transition National Crisis Contingency Plans
Pareene · 12/17/08 09:51AM
"The White House has prepared more than a dozen contingency plans to help guide President-elect Barack Obama if an international crisis erupts in the opening days of his administration, part of an elaborate operation devised to smooth the first transition of power since Sept. 11, 2001." —New York Times
Shoe Attack Befuddles Our Dimwit President
Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/08 04:22PMEven President Bush Is So Over Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Kyle Buchanan · 12/16/08 12:42PMNow that America has finally elected a new president, our current one has given up pretending he cares about the economy, stuff, or Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
Baghdad Shoe Hurler Now Official Iraqi Hero
Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/08 03:28PMHappy Bipartisan Senate Torture Report Day!
Pareene · 12/15/08 12:28PMWhat Will Become of the Baghdad Shoe Thrower?
Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/08 10:56AMWhy Was It So Easy To Throw Something At the President?
Ryan Tate · 12/15/08 06:44AMBush Comes Under Shoe Attack in Baghdad
Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/08 01:15PMBush Library Pays $35,000 to Reclaim Domain Name
Owen Thomas · 12/12/08 07:00PMWhite House Memo: Please Damn Bush With Faint Praise
Pareene · 12/09/08 10:56AMBabs Smooches Bush!
Pareene · 12/08/08 10:28AMNeither the White House nor Barbra Streisand were much inclined to release a proper photo of the beloved entertainer kissing beloved soon-to-be-former president Bush at the Kennedy Center Honors yesterday, so America will have to make due with these scattered pictures of the smiles they left behind. [Update: You can no cllick to watch the video!] The singer's name itself has long been shorthand for everything wrong and out-of-touch about Hollywood Liberals, while Bush is, as we all know, like Hitler but worse. How much worse? Oh, it's all too painful to remember. Good thing we can just look up some of her best anti-Bush statements on the Google and present them to you, below.
George W. Bush Is Hung in Philadelphia
Gabriel Snyder · 12/06/08 04:00PM
As President Bush continues his farewell tour (just 45 days left to go!) he stopped by a fancy club in downtown Philadelphia (think Trading Places for the unveiling of his portrait. He started his remarks with a joke: "Welcome to my hanging!" It got a big laugh in the room full of white Republicans. It's funny because it's true. See the video after the jump.