
College Grads Are Too Broke to Become Good Little Entrepreneurs

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/13 12:43PM

Besides forcing young college graduates into a decades-long penurious existence as veritable indentured servants to institutions of higher learning, there's another downside to our nation's $1 trillion student debt: it's stopping young people from starting business. Businesses! The lifeblood of Republicanism!

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Faggot: Inside Marine Corps Boot Camp

Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/13 12:08PM

What is Marine Corps boot camp really like? According to an email that a current recruit sent to a bunch of his friends, it's a lot of being called a "faggot" by your drill instructors. And, if you happen to be brown-skinned, a lot of being called "terrorist." Not to mention "beast mode" workouts.

'Bloodbath' Day at Village Voice: Musto, Sietsema, Feingold Out

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/13 10:20AM

Last week, top editors at the Village Voice resigned in protest when they learned that management wanted them to lay off several members of their already-decimated staff. This morning, those layoffs came down. They're not pretty.

Paranoid Martha Stewart Rips Out Roses So Thorns Can't Nick Grandkids

Caity Weaver · 04/19/13 11:22AM

The people of Boston are currently holed up in their homes as authorities canvas the area for a suspect considered "armed and extremely dangerous." Meanwhile, Martha Stewart is working frantically to protect her grandchildren from an even more sinister enemy: flowers.

We Are All Cowards Now

Cord Jefferson · 04/17/13 04:00PM

The most common refrain you hear in the wake of tragedies like Monday's Boston Marathon bombing is also the one that sounds most like a redneck bumper sticker: "Don't be scared." In an interview with the Washington Post yesterday, author and security expert Bruce Schneier said the appropriate response to terrorist violence is to face it fearlessly: "If you are scared, they win. If you refuse to be scared, they lose, no matter how much carnage they commit."

Texas Smells a Business Opportunity in Newtown Massacre

Adam Weinstein · 04/17/13 12:38PM

On the heels of Connecticut's post-Newtown push to restrict assault weapons, a Texas tea party congressman has plans to send form letters to Yankee gunmakers, goading them to move their operations to the Lone Star State.

Robert Downey Jr. Says Overacting Is Like Bestiality

Rich Juzwiak · 04/16/13 02:15PM

Chris Heath warns you up high in his GQ cover story on Robert Downey Jr., that: "Conversations with Robert Downey Jr. are rarely linear, and sometimes it takes a moment to realize how one thing might relate to the next." Yes, this seems to be the perfect way to set up the inscrutable parallel the actor draws to overly emotional acting and bestiality porn (not that he's watched it, he's just seen it being sold in Amsterdam...). Here is the powerful exchange:

The 13 Most Obnoxious Marathon-Bombing Tweets

Tom Scocca · 04/16/13 12:45PM

What do you do with your instantly publishing short-form social-media account when something big has happened but you don't know exactly what? Correct answer: nothing. But in the absence of reliable information yesterday, reflexive Twitter users filled the time by emptying out the preexisting contents of their heads.

Photos From The Boston Marathon Bombing

Adrian Chen · 04/15/13 03:40PM

Two explosions rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon today. Here are some of the latest photos from the scene. Warning: Some of these images, particularly the one at the bottom of this post, are graphic. [all photos via AP and Getty.]

Here Are the 'Career-Ending' Marco Rubio Rumors BuzzFeed Wants to Write About Without Writing About

John Cook · 04/15/13 01:35PM

BuzzFeed, your go-to source for lists of animals, snuff videos, and racial superiority propaganda, has posted a fascinating new political story about the persistent personal rumors dogging Sen. Marco Rubio. Well, "about" might not be the right word. The story, by McKay Coppins, is premised on the existence of the rumors, and clearly relies on reporting and interviews during which the rumors were discussed. The only thing missing is the rumors themselves, because, Hey, BuzzFeed doesn't traffic in rumors!

'Go the Fuck to Sleep' Is About to Become a Goddamn Movie

Caity Weaver · 04/12/13 06:24PM

Remember that children's book "Go the Fuck to Sleep" that came out a couple years ago? Samuel L. Jackson did a reading of it and Werner Herzog did a reading of it and it was so hot that it literally burned down all the bookshelves and Borders had to declare bankruptcy the company could not afford to rebuild its stores from the smoldering ashes wrought by this instant classic?

Boss Writes Memo

Nick Denton · 04/11/13 10:47AM

Nick Denton, who owns Gawker Media, sent out the following memo today: