
Hung Actor Used to Be a Gay Prostitute

Brian Moylan · 10/03/11 03:05PM

Thomas Jane, who plays a heterosexual prostitute on HBO's Hung opened up his past as a gay hustler in his younger days to the L.A. Times. Talk about going method! Strangely enough, this is probably the first time gay men are going to get all upset about a hunky actor talking about having man-on-man action.

Martha Stewart Caught Peeing with Door Open

Maureen O'Connor · 10/03/11 10:29AM

Alexis Stewart drops a bombshell: She has seen her mother pee, and it was disturbing. Elizabeth Hurley gets engaged. James Marsden gets divorced. Joseph Gordon-Levitt ruminates on the relative sexiness of slaves. Monday gossip has mommy issues.

Bank of America Accuses NYT Reporter of 'Soliciting Customers'

Lauri Apple · 10/01/11 12:21PM

With falling stock prices, debit-card users flipping out about the company's plan to steal $5 from them every month, and a brand-new lawsuit on their hot little hands, the devil worshipers at Bank of America aren't too thrilled about reporters talking to their customers right now. But journalists must report on the news, and so the Arkansas correspondent for the New York Times stopped by a branch in Fayetteville to get some customer feedback on the bank's latest thieving scheme. B of A did not appreciate that very much.

Anderson Cooper's Daytime Disaster

John Cook · 10/01/11 11:58AM

It's just three weeks into Anderson Cooper's new daytime adventure, and the show has already devolved into the sort of unscrupulous talk-show tactics that Cooper's prime-time newsman personality would turn up his nose at: A teenager is in a coma after one of Anderson's producers encouraged him to record his reckless behavior for a show on the "teenage mind."

Nobody Watches Late Night Anymore

Richard Lawson · 09/30/11 03:09PM

A year plus after the whole late night kerfuffle, everyone's back to not caring at all about late night. During this past premiere week (when all the shows are new and sparkly) both Jay Leno and David Letterman's ratings bombed.

A Timeline of Barack Obama's Reelection Campaign Begging for Cash

Jim Newell · 09/30/11 02:14PM

The third quarter fundraising deadline for presidential candidates is today, today's the day! If you are subscribed to President Obama's campaign email or text message alert lists, you're well aware of this, because you are constantly getting emails and text messages with cutesy variations of, "So how bout those dumb Republicans, eh? Want to have dinner? Give us money right now." Here's the official recorded history of this aggressive blitz, going back a couple of weeks.

Judith Miller Angered by Concept of Responsible Journalism

Hamilton Nolan · 09/30/11 02:05PM

In your mordant Friday media column: Judith Miller critiques someone else's journalism, the Occupy Wall Street Journal is coming, the NYO begs for a raise, Slate redesigns, and Jill Abramson wants questions from you.

Ashton Doesn't Follow Demi Anymore

Richard Lawson · 09/30/11 11:50AM

America's saddest divorce has its saddest development yet today. Also: Patrick Schwarzenegger is in trouble, Jack Osbourne is getting hitched, and Rihanna has genitals.

Trump Casino Now Offers Plastic Surgery Payouts

Seth Abramovitch · 09/30/11 02:11AM

The desperate deluxe Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort in gross glamorous Atlantic City features the best of everything, naturally. But now guests at Donald Trump's vomit-tinted Xanadu can look as great as the Taj makes them feel, as the hotel is awarding a $25,000 plastic surgery gift certificate to one lucky card player, good for "mix and match surgeries, including breast enhancements, tummy tucks, liposuction and face lifts." But why go so run-of-the-mill, when you could instead use that money to have the hair from a giraffe's nutsack grafted directly onto your scalp, which you might then style in a fetching, comb-forwarded fashion that's sure to excite your mail-ordered, Slovenian succubus bride? You do deserve the best, after all. [AP, photo via Getty]

Who Should Be TV's Highest-Paid Actress?

Richard Lawson · 09/29/11 04:29PM

Forbes has released its annual list of the highest-paid actresses on television with Tina Fey at the top, with a whopping $13 million last year. And that's cool! We're happy with that. Some of the rest of the list, though, not so much.

Roger Ailes Thinks People Would Like Him If He Were Liberal

Hamilton Nolan · 09/29/11 01:14PM

In your dreamy Thursday media column: Roger Ailes has a skewed self-perception, Henry Blodget encourages you to steal his content, The Week is doing well, female sports columnists have a tough job, and James Rainey complains.

The Ominous Return of Dane Cook

Richard Lawson · 09/28/11 04:22PM

America's number one shirtless comedian is headed to the small screen. Also today: Good news for a Lost actress, good news for a lost actor, bad news for CAA, and challenging news for Mel Gibson.