
Giants Pissed at Favre's Royal Press Treatment

ian spiegelman · 08/09/08 04:03PM

For some reason, certain members of the New York Giants aren't full of warm feelings over all the press the Jets are getting for hiring Brett Favre, the 38-year-old quarterback who grudgingly signed on after he was abandoned by his beloved Green Bay Packers. But why should the Giants be miffed? It's not like they beat the obnoxious New England Patriots and deprived them of their precious perfect season in the last Super Bowl. "I'm not surprised at all. No one cares about us. Let's call it what it is," explained running back Brandon Jacobs. More griping after the jump.

Giants Coach Will Force A Smile For Book Cover

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/08 10:33AM

Sourfaced New York Giants coach Tom Coughlin is in "discussions" about a book deal that could bring him up to three quarters of a million dollars. Unclear: why somebody would pay him to (ghost)write a book, or who might read it. Coughlin has always had a reputation as an angry, unlikeable stickler, persecuting his players for minor rule violations and wearing a perpetually pissed expression on the sidelines. He has reportedly mellowed out a bit recently, which may explain how the freaking Giants, of all teams, lucked into a Super Bowl win. Coughlin was also deeply hated by former Giant and current Today Show smiling face Tiki Barber. So schedule the book tour elsewhere, coach. [NYP]

Love Is The Best Celebration

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/08 01:09PM

Yesterday we noted the split in New York's gay community over the proper response to the Super Bowl; boycott it, or celebrate with sex? That's one for personal preference. But there's a far more insidious aspect to the whole Gay/ Football issue. Namely, the underlying homoeroticism of the whole enterprise. Some coarse fans like to exploit this for cheap jokes: "He patted that guy on the butt. He's gay. He grabbed that guy. He's gay." But in fact, football is a great tool for loosening up those prone to anti-gay sentiment, because the act of football fandom is just as rife with barely concealed homoerotic acts as the game itself. The same men that would scoff at anything less than macho on the field will wrap their arms around each other and cry while praying for a Giants win. That's why, out of all the Super Bowl celebration videos we've seen, we like this one best. Five young guys, Giants jerseys, hand-holding, girlish screaming, and lots and lots of hugging. [Honestly: It's just male bonding, OKAY?]

Giants Victory Shrouds City In Sports Cliches

Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/08 10:35AM

Yesterday was supposed to be the finale of the New York media's Super Bowl overload party, after two excruciating weeks of trivialities about the Giants. But then they actually won the Super Bowl. Now, on the morning after, the realization is sinking in that we aren't going to hear the end of all this for a long time. After the jump, a roundup of overnight coverage, and a warning of what's to come.

Super Bowl Sunday Marks End Of City's Long Tabloid Nightmare

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/08 11:55AM

Since January 20— the day the New York Giants won a trip to the Super Bowl— the New York Post has run 281 articles with the phrase "Super Bowl," an average of 20 freaking stories per day. Today, in addition to the daily 20, the Post also published a 32-page special pullout section on the game, and a wraparound cover with a team picture. The Daily News responded with its own 40-page special section that swallowed the entire Sunday paper, covering up other minor news like, you know, the paper's presidential endorsement (spoiler: Hillary). As a serious football fan who is gonna jet out of here pretty soon to go watch the game, I can only say: Thank God this shit is almost over.