The Four Most Important Moments of the State of the Union
Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/20/15 10:12PMJoin Me Now on a Journey Into the Journey
Zach Scott · 04/15/14 11:45AM
I've been listening to fake guru voices, watching videos of charismatic new age leaders, and making cosmic GIFs for two months, nonstop, as a way to make amends for the emotional damage I inflicted on office drones a few months ago. This——is the result. I feel like it's warped my mind.
Here's the Deal With That GIF of Emma Watson's Face Melting
Jay Hathaway · 04/10/14 10:40AMJustin Bieber's Deposition Video Is the Best Thing He's Ever Done
Max Read · 03/10/14 10:13AMTime-Lapse GIF Proves The Gays Are Taking Over America
Adam Weinstein · 03/05/14 02:25PMMmm, What a Nice Warm Fire
Hamilton Nolan · 01/03/14 11:51AMKathleen Sebelius Is Having One of Those Days
Max Read · 10/30/13 10:35AMThis Gif of Beyoncé Being Briefly Kidnapped Is Life's Best Gif
Caity Weaver · 09/16/13 10:30AM7 Amazing Photos from the Syrian President’s Instagram
J.K. Trotter · 09/05/13 01:53PMThese Outstanding Time Lapse GIFs Let You Visualize American Sprawl
Maggie Lange · 06/19/13 09:40AM
As a quick but dramatic way to visualize changes in the landscape, Texas architect Samuel Aston Williams created GIFs out of aerial maps of American cities from the past thirty years. Watch developments spiderweb, woodlands disappear, grids fill in, water sources shrink, and roads extend forever, over and over again!
My Upcoming Vacation, Illustrated via Beyoncé Gifs
Caity Weaver · 06/04/13 05:14PMHere Is The Gif to End All Gifs
Adrian Chen · 05/21/13 02:16PMThis Illegally Made, Incredibly Mesmerizing Animated GIF Is What the Internet Looks Like
Max Read · 03/21/13 08:55AM
You are looking at, more or less, a portrait of the internet over an average 24 hours in 2012—higher usage in yellows and reds; lower in greens and blues—created by an anonymous researcher for the "Internet Census 2012" project. How, exactly, do you gather this much data? Well: not legally, that's for sure.
Tina Fey Tells a Photographer 'Go Fuck Yourself' After He Asks About Taylor Swift
Caity Weaver · 03/11/13 11:40AMHere's a Hypnotic GIF of Chuck Schumer Nodding Creepily at the State of the Union
Max Read · 02/13/13 08:43AMMarco Rubio's Nervous Sip of Water Is the Only Thing Anyone Will Remember About His State of the Union Response
Leah Beckmann · 02/12/13 11:11PM
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio gave the Republican response to Obama's State of the Union speech tonight, and while he spoke a lot about protecting his neighbors and a son's love for his mother, he was really just very thirsty. Parched even. Mouth full of steel wool. Tongue is old velcro. Lips stuck to teeth.
This GIF of Obama's Exploding Bipartisan Fist Bump Is the State of the Union Highlight
Max Read · 02/12/13 10:11PMSeven GIFs and a Video Showing How Taylor Swift and Jay-Z Won the Grammys
Max Read · 02/11/13 12:43AM
There are only two true approaches to being in the audience at a major televised awards show, forever in conflict: full, 100-percent commitment to having the time of your life, and full, 100-percent commitment to not giving a shit. On Sunday night at the Grammys, Taylor Swift took the first path, and Jay-Z took the second, and those of us watching at home were far better for it.
Honey Boo Boo Takes on Liberal Capitalism, the 'Fascism Within Us All,' and the Outside-the-Text
Max Read · 09/20/12 03:57PM
What is Honey Boo Boo, if not America's greatest public intellectual? And what is Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, if not an audiovisual genealogy of continental philosophy? And what is the internet for, if not GIFs that combine high culture and low culture to reveal the instability at such a binary's heart, and also for cheap laughs?