
Give the Gift of Michael Bloomberg

cityfile · 12/10/09 12:39PM

WWD asked a bunch of fashion designers about the fabulous places they'll be heading to over the holidays, and what they're hoping Santa leaves them under the tree (or beside the Hanukkah menorah, as the case may be). Most of the gifts mentioned are predictably fancy and expensive. But not all! The only thing Nanette Lepore wants this holiday season is a 15-minute meeting with Michael Bloomberg. [WWD]

Pop Culture Pillows

cityfile · 03/23/09 12:12PM

Yes, you can now purchase pillow cases with the names of various "iconic" couples printed on them. They'll run you $112.50, but if you're worried buying the "Lindsay and Sam" set for a friend will suggest you think they're in a really dysfunctional relationship, you may want to consider the "Barack and Michelle" cases instead. [Paper]

Celebrating Steve Schwarzman's Big Day

cityfile · 02/13/09 12:28PM

Tomorrow isn't just Valentine's Day. It's also Steve Schwarzman's birthday! Did you forget to order him a gift? Allow us to help. will send over three pounds of their "succulent Stone Crab Claws" along with "Papa Hughie's Homemade Mustard Sauce," and it comes with cocktail forks and a mallet, too. Okay, it's only $195.00 for an order of "colossal claws," which is a bit less than Steve ordinarily spends on his crab habit, but the gesture will be very much appreciated. (And if they're not quite up to par, he can always pass them off to one of the housekeepers. They eat, too, you know.) Just make sure to select express delivery so it makes it there on time. Direct your gift packages to Mr. Stephen Schwarzman, 740 Park Avenue, Apt. 15B/16B, New York, NY 10021. Don't forget to include a "personalized note."

Defamer's Last-Minute Gift Guide

McCluskey and Miller · 12/23/08 02:53PM

It's December 23rd. Do you know where your presents are? If you have not made your obligatory trips to the Grove or its fraternal Armenian twin The Americana at Brand, we'll save you some time.

A Parting Gift for George

cityfile · 12/23/08 02:50PM

Here's an interesting idea courtesy of author Michael Gross: If you're doing a little year-end cleaning around the house and you have a few pairs of shoes you were planning to give to charity or toss in the trash, why not wrap up a single shoe in a pretty package with a bow and send it to the President Bush? The only thing better than seeing George Bush duck a flying shoe would be the sight of 50,000 of them piled up on the White House lawn. []

$400 Running Lessons

cityfile · 12/12/08 12:02PM

If you're looking for a gift for your (fitness-obsessed) boyfriend or girlfriend, you can sign up a top-ranked marathoner from Kenya for a jogging lesson in Central Park. And he'll come back to your place for lunch afterwards, too! [NYT]

Spooky Celebrity Dolls

cityfile · 11/12/08 01:34PM

Here's a one-of-a-kind gift idea for the celebrity-obsessed friend on your Christmas shopping list: A California man named Noel Cruz will happily design a disturbingly life-like doll in the image of your favorite celeb. Cruz's site has pics of his Tobey Maguire, Nicole Kidman, Keira Knightley, and Kirsten Dunst. Or you could just order his Celine Dion figurine and stick pins in it, we suppose. [ via Coudal]

Emily Gould · 12/07/07 04:30PM

Balducci's advertised boneless hams as being "delicious for Chanukah." The grocery store later apologized. And everyone who was offended got gift certificates for a free Yom Kippur brunch! OK, not really. [Serious Eats]

"Vulva Original": Germany Is Exporting Its Ladies One Drop At A Time

Joshua Stein · 12/07/07 01:25PM

Vulva is "the erotic, intimate scent of an irresistible woman... The precious vaginal odour filled into a small glass phial. The phial is shaken gently, only a tiny amount of the precious, organic substance is applied onto the back of the hand....and the irresistible smell that exudes from a sensuous vagina immediately intensifies your erotic fantasies...:" It's also a perfect gift for zayde since bubbe passed away, alav hashalom! Very, extremely, very NSFW after jump.