
Khalid Sheik Mohammed Won't Be Tried in New York After All

Jim Newell · 04/04/11 01:17PM

The Obama Administration will announce this afternoon what's been expected for about a year now: Self-described 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed won't be tried in a New York civilian court as originally planned and instead will go before a military commission at Guantanamo Bay. That's an unusual way to follow up the PR blitz surrounding your campaign launch, isn't it? By caving? No! Shut up! Fewer questions, more donations!

WikiLeaks: Enemy of the State

Jeff Neumann · 03/18/10 05:04AM

The Pentagon is upset with the non-profit website for publishing documents it says are a "threat to the US Army" — like hiding Gitmo prisoners from the Red Cross — and for being supported by the CIA. Huh? [NYT]