
Do You Cry, or Do You Just Twitter?

Owen Thomas · 03/04/09 05:35PM

Blue? Just read Twitter, and you'll feel better. Jimmy Fallon's producer cried from fatigue. So did a Gizmodo blogger. An ABC news guy's biggest accomplishment? Going to the DMV. The sad life of Twitteronians:

Shhh! I'm reading about the keynote!

Paul Boutin · 10/14/08 06:00PM

The most telling photo from Gizmodo's live coverage at Apple's Cupertino product launch event today. I promise you this: If Apple PR ever goofs and lets Valleywag into a freaking Steve Jobs keynote, I'll keep my MacBook closed, turn off Twitter, and pay attention to The Man. Can you think of a better caption for this photo? Leave it in the comments. The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: WagCurious, for "You must be this tall to ride Alex Albrecht." (Photo by Gizmodo)

Engadget editor admits to creating "Boycott Gizmodo" site

Nicholas Carlson · 09/08/08 04:00PM

Click to viewKnow that old saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? Former Engadget editor Ryan Block has put it into practice by tapping former Gizmodo editor Brian Lam — now the site's editorial director — to help advise them on their new gadget startup gdgt. In doing so, Block has ended — or at least set aside — a long-term gadget-blog rivalry which frothed with animosity. (Gizmodo, like Valleywag, is published by Gawker Media.) At times, the competition got dirty — like the time Block created an anonymous blog slamming Lam for a post about the iPhone.Block has since confessed to the stunt. In a post on Lam's hire, Block says "Brian Lam and I are actually pals outside of work — have been for years." But back in 2006, a tipster told Valleywag, Block created a blog called Boycott Gizmodo! and a Digg account with the same name that he used to promote blog's one and only post to Digg's front page. "The time has come to Boycott Gizmodo," reads the post. "Not only did Brian Lam and Gizmodo purposefully deceive long standing readers such as myself about the iPhone, they did a terrible job of covering their tracks." (Lam's post promised readers news about an "iPhone" device on a Friday, before the launch of the actual device — and then, on a Monday, revealed that Cisco owned a trademark on the term, long attached to speculation about an Apple cell phone, and had released an iPhone-branded product. The companies long since settled the matter, giving Apple rights to the iPhone name) We asked Block if he was the author of the blog. In response, Block told us, "Brian and I have always been friends who knew where to draw the line." Block also just published a confessional blog post titled "Bygones and rivalries," in which he confessed to authoring the "Boycott Gizmodo!" blog. He also offered another anecdote from a rivalry we're all going to miss.

With Engadget nemesis gone, Gizmodo editor soft-retires

Paul Boutin · 09/04/08 01:40PM

After two years at the helm of the gadget blog, Gizmodo editor Brian Lam has gotten himself kicked upstairs. The former Wired staffer will now focus on live event coverage as an assistant managing editor for our mutual parent company, Gawker Media. Lam will also retain an "editorial director" title at Gizmodo — I'm not sure what that means except someone's been reading too many Condé Nast mastheads. Lam became a gadget-geek cult hero for his aggressive competition with former Engadget editor Ryan Block, who split last month to launch a startup called GDGT. (Lam's even helping Block out as an advisor.) Here's an excerpt of the announcement from Gawker's internal mailing list.

Ad network fad hits music blogs

Nicholas Carlson · 06/17/08 11:20AM

MP3 blog like Peter Rojas's RCRD LBL attract "tastemakers who wield considerable influence over their peers" reports Fortune. Only they don't attract very many of them. For example, has 93,000 monthly uniques, RCRD LBL, 125,000 and about 15,000. So what are these small sites with attractive demographics to do? Hire crafty ad sales teams to sell limited, premium inventory to sponsors desperate to reach their "boutique" audience? No!

Gizmodo vs. Engadget in Wired — the 100-word version

Jordan Golson · 03/26/08 04:40PM

The April issue of Wired has a lengthy piece on gadget blogs. Most of the focus is on Gizmodo (disclosure: Valleywag is owned by Gawker Media, parent company to Gizmodo) and the rise of the gadget blogs in influence and reach. It's worth a read, but if you're too busy frantically reloading Engadget and Gizmodo to read the whole thing, we've tagged the high points below.

Gizmodo, Ars Technica party all night

Photos by Randal Alan Smith · 01/15/08 07:01PM

Poor Ars Technica and Gizmodo. The gadget sites invited San Francisco's thirsty class over for some pre-Macworld booze at Harlot in SoMa last night, and the assembled crowd drank the hosted bar dry in 35 minutes flat. I ran into a host of familiar faces there, including a certain Farker who goes by the unforgettable login of "catbutt." So unforgettable that I called him ... well, something else instead. And no, I'm not throwing David Ulevitch the shocker — just a gesture that looks a lot like it. Fake Steve Jobs blogger Dan Lyons, making his Macworld debut, drew a tight bubble of fans around him everywhere he went.

Banned cameraman hawks CES press badge

Owen Thomas · 01/12/08 02:38AM

Richard Blakeley, the Gawker Media cameraman whose antics for Gizmodo drew widespread attention, is selling his press badge — the last one he'll ever get, he says — for $100 on Craigslist. Why is it a collector's item? Because CES has banned him from attending future events after he filmed himself using a remote control to turn off TV screens on the show floor. (Gizmodo, like Valleywag, is owned by Gawker Media, and Blakeley does video work for both sites.)

How to suck up to the consumer electronics industry

Paul Boutin · 01/11/08 06:00PM

Self-styled serious bloggers are tripping over each other to distance themselves from Gizmodo's childishly funny prank at CES, in which Gawker Media class clown Richard Blakeley turned off entire banks of TV displays with a remote control. The critics advocate for more maturity and morality, in posts titled "douche" and "crap." The bloggers' real concern is that they'll lose their recently acquired just-like-old-media access to PR dog-and-pony shows and the snack room at CES. It used to be bloggers bragged about not needing those things, and not being corrupted by them. The guy at TechCrunch's gadget blog weighs in: "Will Denton's kids grow up? Absolutely." Then he posts a photo of a douche box. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.

BREAKING: Apple Announces iPhone

Chris Mohney · 01/09/07 01:25PM

Run for your lives! The Apple iPhone is forty feet tall and lives only to crush humanity 'neath its sleekly designed but merciless heel! Details of live Steve Jobs keynote over at Gizmodo. Now don't you feel silly with that puny busted Razr in your pocketbook.

Gawker Media January Junkets

Chris Mohney · 01/08/07 11:20AM

While we're sitting here in New York enjoying the global warming, all the cool kids from the "office" are on the road. Both crews of supernerds from Gizmodo and Kotaku are hitting the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Also in Vegas are a few worthies from Fleshbot, covering the Adult Video News Awards. Lastly, Jalopnik is filing reports from the hoon-packed floor of the Detroit Auto Show. Travel vicariously through their mellifluous reportage.