The Petraeus Affair Emerged Because Paula Broadwell Was Jealous Of Another Woman
Barry Petchesky · 11/10/12 04:00PM
What, you thinking leading the intelligence agency of the most powerful country in the world, and having a boyish grin and a crop of sandy brown hair is only good enough to get you one mistress? The Washington Post fills in some more details on what led to Petraeus's Spyfall, and it looks like it's getting a little Fatal Attraction-y up in here.
Gmail Is Down: Everyone Go Home
Adrian Chen · 04/17/12 12:04PM
If your gmail is down right now, you're not the only one. There's currently a widespread outage, judging from Twitter—our own Maureen O'Connor reports that her gmail is displaying this sad "Temporary Error" message. We have no idea what's causing it, but for now, the best course of action is to pretend that you can't do any work at all without your email and go outside.
Rahm Emanuel Used His Gmail Account to Message Administration Officials
John Cook and Ryan Tate · 11/15/11 12:19PM
Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel used his private Gmail account to communicate with Attorney General Eric Holder during his time in the White House, according to the results of Freedom of Information Act request we filed. Though the Department of Justice has acknowledged just one email exchange with Holder using Emanuel's unofficial address, the disclosure raises questions about whether Emanuel may have sought to skirt the Presidential Records Act by conducting government business using Gmail rather than his White House address. (Or not. See the update below.)
Google's CEO Hates Gmail
Ryan Tate · 11/10/11 03:15PMDoes Anyone Want a Google Plus Invite?
Adrian Chen · 06/29/11 12:04PMChinese Hackers Hijacked Gmail Accounts of Senior U.S. Officials
Adrian Chen · 06/01/11 04:41PMHow Google Spies on Your Gmail Account (And How To Stop It)
Ryan Tate · 05/11/11 01:59PMGmail Hacking Epidemic Terrorizes Internet
Adrian Chen · 04/15/11 11:29AMWhat Your Email Address Says About You
Brian Moylan · 03/11/11 04:56PMFacebook Email Is Coming Next Week
Adrian Chen · 11/12/10 11:38AMGoogle Warning Gmail Users: China Spied on Your Account
Adrian Chen · 09/23/10 06:58PMGoogle Confirms Firing Engineer For Privacy Violations
Ryan Tate · 09/14/10 06:57PMGCreep: Google Engineer Stalked Teens, Spied on Chats (Updated)
Adrian Chen · 09/14/10 02:26PMGoogle Invents Most Annoying Bug of All Time
Ryan Tate · 08/31/10 12:55PMLast night Google rolled out a bug that would be comical if it weren't so astounding and grating: Open your Gmail inbox, and old school ragtime music starts playing, and can't be stopped. The solution: Use less Google.