
It's Time for Awards Shows to Stop Ignoring Reality TV Acting

Caity Weaver · 01/15/14 01:30PM

Every year, Americans are treated to a long procession of assemblies in which Hollywood's most creative minds boldly suggest there is intrinsic entertainment value in watching people give prizes to themselves. On Sunday, we passed the first of these. And yet, for the 71st straight year, the most deserving martyrs of all—the actors pretending to be humans on our favorite reality shows—went uncanonized.

What You Should Know About the Abuse Allegations Against Woody Allen

Sarah Hedgecock · 01/13/14 07:45PM

Last night at the Golden Globes, the legendary director and writer Woody Allen was presented with the Cecil B. DeMille lifetime achievement award. Everyone applauded–except for Allen's former family. "[D]id they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall?" Allen's son Ronan Farrow wondered sarcastically.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/12/14 11:44PM

E! News Has Fun With Facts

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/12/14 07:10PM

According to E! News, Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's diagnosis is a fact that is fun.

Hey Idiots, Jennifer Lawrence Didn't Dis Meryl Streep — She Was Quoting First Wives Club

Rich Juzwiak · 01/16/13 11:40AM

On the Late Show with David Letterman last night, smart-mouthed superstar Jennifer Lawrence explained her controversial acceptance speech for Best Actress - Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical for Silver Linings Playbook at Sunday's Golden Globes. "What does it say? I beat Meryl," is how she opened her speech, and she explained to Letterman that she was referencing the 1996 revenge comedy The First Wives Club. She didn't mention, though, that she was also referencing the truth, because she did, in fact, beat Meryl Streep, who was nominated for Hope Springs.

Here Is Footage of Selena Gomez Drunk at a Golden Globes After Party

Rich Juzwiak · 01/15/13 05:35PM

Like everybody else in Hollywood, Disney Channel alum Selena Gomez was trashed after Sunday's Golden Globes ceremony. Watch above as Justin Bieber's 20-year-old ex wobbles and slurs gushing praise for the show (which was great on weed, too, according of two of us who led Gawker's Liveblog of the ceremony). "It was a good moment for me," she says of Jennifer Lawrence winning Best Actress Musical/Comedy for Silver Linings Playbook. She clarifies, "I don't even know her, but I think she's so cool." Oh.

The Sheer Gall of Celebrities Demanding Privacy

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/13 12:44PM

Last night, Jodie Foster, a famous actress who has been a famous actress for many decades, stood on stage at a glittery Hollywood awards show being broadcast around the world, and, in a lengthy, self-glorifying speech, in front of a crowd of the world's most famous people, asked for.... privacy. Is Jodie Foster clinically insane?

You Tell Us: Who Will Win Big at the Golden Globes

Robert Kessler · 01/13/13 03:06PM

The best thing about the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is they'll nominate anyone just to get all the cool celebrities to come to their super-fun party, the Golden Globes. Plus, since it's not like a regular awards show, it's a cool awards show, they let you drink, as long as you do it in the house.

Eat Like the Stars: A Course-by-Course Golden Globes Menu Analysis

Caity Weaver · 01/04/13 06:44PM

The best thing about Golden Globes night is that it provides dinner to a roomful of stars who otherwise could not afford to feed themselves. The celebs sit smushed elbow-to-elbow at round dinner tables and the International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton looks like an Olive Garden the ad sales department has rented out for its 2003 F-ad-bulous Employee Recognition Dinner. Also everyone gets wasted, which is great for .gifs.

Elton John and Madonna Are Fighting Again

Brian Moylan · 01/16/12 01:24PM

Elton John had a sour puss on all night at the Golden Globes, but it got even worse when Madonna's shitty "Masterpiece" won for Best Original Song over some crappy ballad Elton wrote for Gnomeo and Juliet. Then his husband started talking shit about Madonna on Facebook.