

Pareene · 11/28/07 12:03PM

From the mailbag: "There's a protest outside of the Goldman Sachs building on Broad Street....They are chanting and waving signs around... They apparently have a theme song too, they are all singing it. The Goldman security guards came out to shoo them off and are now standing around nervously." The revolution is at hand, America! Sacco and Vanzetti must not die! WALL STREET PROTEST MADNESS UPDATE: The protesters are apparently from the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition and the New York City Anti-Predatory Lending Task Force and they're walking up and down Wall Street protesting everyone else now. They are singing a song, to the tune of Jingle Bells. The words to the song are unclear. Our source reports: "There's only about 20 of them. They have tiny signs!" Tiny signs of justice!

abalk · 07/17/07 08:55AM

Barack Obama "received more donations from employees of investment banks and hedge funds than from any other sector, with Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase among his biggest sources of support." The junior senator from Illinois has thus far pulled $160 grand from Lehman and $100K from Goldman. Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, got a mere $47,850 from Morgan Stanley. [FT]

Misinformation: Not All Bouncers Drive Kias

rbouncer · 12/28/06 06:40PM

We still haven't figured out whether A.J. has a blog or not, but if he did, it'd look a lot like this one. Then again, this could also conceivably be the work of one of these guys. Either way, this is what you're dealing with when you're competing for VIP table space these days.

'Sun' Takes Brave Stand In Favor Of Obscenity

abalk2 · 12/21/06 11:50AM

While many have chosen to disparage the massive bonuses "earned" by Wall Street figures this year, the stout souls at the New York Sun, whose failure to produce a financially viable business model has surely engendered their respect for any sort of fiscal acumen, take a stand for the billionaires. In an editorial yesterday, the paper declared that,

Goldman Sachs Makes Rich Richer, Protests Mensex

Chris Mohney · 10/27/06 11:30AM

Sure, tiny downtown banking concern Goldman Sachs named 115 new partnership managing director partner manager people, a title which confers some kind of bajillionaire shield upon those lucky enough to receive it. There are first details at DealBreaker about which of these folk you should immediately try to sleep with, and Intelligencer points out that despite the heaps of cash, this is really the signal to bail from the firm and plow new rows elsewhere. But what does all this mean for, you are no doubt not asking? The Dutch hookup site's owner claimed that "Goldman" was his personal nickname, but that didn't cut any mustard with domain authorities, who took away his URL at Goldman Sachs's request. He has promptly resurrected the exact same site at, which casts a little doubt on his nickname story. Even though the Dutchie says he will fight for his new spot (Goldman Sachs has already filed another complaint), he's also repurposed the venture with the generic name "City of Love." This is the kind of entrepreneurial drive the new partners at GS should respect, before they crush him.

Goldman Sachs Sexually Confused

Chris Mohney · 07/13/06 05:45PM

If you recently attempted to purchase securities from a reputable Manhattan investment bank but instead found yourself patronizing an international network of strip clubs and escort services, you may be the victim of brand confusion. Big-money bankers Goldman Sachs are challenging the domain owner of, a site dedicated to helping mongers worldwide locate their preferred flavor of tail whilst on the road. The Dutch proprietor of claims befuddlement, declaring that "Goldman" is a nickname friends tagged him with, as "People thought I was always lucky in life." One could be forgiven for assuming that caters to a less hetero clientele, due to the Oscar-statue man-icon and distinctive logo emphasizing "Gold mansex." None of these interpretations are likely to sit well with the bankers, though there's yet no similar outcry over