
Steve Jobs Regretted Wasting Time on Alternative Medicine

Ryan Tate · 10/20/11 03:46PM

Everyone else wanted Steve Jobs to move quickly against his tumor. His friends wanted him to get an operation. His wife wanted him to get an operation. But the Apple CEO, so used to swimming against the tide of popular opinion, insisted on trying alternative therapies for nine crucial months. Before he died, Jobs resolved to let the world know he deeply regretted the critical decision, biographer Walter Isaacson has told 60 Minutes.

Harvard Cancer Expert: Steve Jobs Probably Doomed Himself With Alternative Medicine

Ryan Tate · 10/13/11 03:26PM

Steve Jobs had a mild form of cancer that is not usually fatal, but seems to have ushered along his own death by delaying conventional treatment in favor of alternative remedies, a Harvard Medical School researcher and faculty member says. Jobs's intractability, so often his greatest asset, may have been his undoing.

Steve Jobs on Why He Wore Turtlenecks

Ryan Tate · 10/11/11 02:54PM

Steve Jobs's black turtlenecks helped make him the world's most recognizable CEO. But the Apple co-founder wouldn't have worn them if his employees had accepted the nylon jacket he proposed as a corporate uniform instead. Before he died, Jobs himself explained his sartorial signature to biographer Walter Isaacson, in an interview published for the first time below.

What Everyone Is Too Polite to Say About Steve Jobs

Ryan Tate · 10/07/11 10:30AM

In the days after Steve Jobs' death, friends and colleagues have, in customary fashion, been sharing their fondest memories of the Apple co-founder. He's been hailed as "a genius" and "the greatest CEO of his generation" by pundits and tech journalists. But a great man's reputation can withstand a full accounting. And, truth be told, Jobs could be terrible to people, and his impact on the world was not uniformly positive.

Crowds Flock to Apple Stores to Pay Respect to Steve Jobs

Ryan Tate · 10/06/11 01:06AM

In New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and elsewhere, Apple fans have been gathering and leaving spontaneous tributes to Steve Jobs at Apple Stores throughout the night. People have left flowers, signs, Post-it notes, and even writing right on the glass walls. Here are a few of the images circulating on Twitter and elsewhere.

A Photographic Look Back at Steve Jobs

Ryan Tate · 10/05/11 11:47PM

For 35 years, Steve Jobs was the most interesting guy in Silicon Valley. He went from cocky hustler to exiled wanderer to returned champion, but he never really left the spotlight. And why would he? No one was better at using the cameras to their advantage, at least not in Jobs' world. Here's a selection of highlights—products, outfits, hair styles—from Jobs' long and varied career.

Reactions to Steve Jobs' Death

Ryan Tate · 10/05/11 08:53PM

Steve Jobs' death has touched off an outpouring of grief, memories and reflection in Silicon Valley and around the world. That outpouring is only just beginning, and we'll catalog the most notable reactions here, as they come in.

Steve Jobs Is Dead

Ryan Tate · 10/05/11 06:38PM

Steve Jobs, who as Apple's founder and twice CEO revolutionized the use of computers, phones, and music players before popularizing digital tablets, died today after a seven year battle with pancreatic cancer and related ailments. He was 56.