
Google Health may prove dangerous to your privacy

Jackson West · 05/19/08 05:20PM

A group of Googlers, including ubiquitous trend-upsetter SVP Marissa Mayer, did their song and dance for the press at a "factory tour" on the Google campus in Mountain View today. The big news? The official launch of Google Health, which offers features like a doctor finder and the ability to upload and track your medical records. Already, the privacy concerns are mounting.

Google Health trials finally launching

Jordan Golson · 02/21/08 02:20PM

If you were worried about your privacy when Google read your Gmail to show relevant ads, you're really going to hate Google Health. The pilot program for Google Health will store the health records of 1,500 to 10,000 patients at the Cleveland Clinic, a not-for-profit medical center. Each profile will include information about prescriptions, allergies and medical histories and will be accessed with a Google Account — the same login used for all of Google's services, including Gmail. There's no word on when the project will open to a wider audience, but Marissa Mayer — who replaced previous Google Health head Adam Bosworth — says the project will launch in 2008.

Google Health claims its first victim

Megan McCarthy · 09/12/07 07:14PM

Just as we predicted, the Google Health project has killed off one top exec. And in record time, too! Head of the project Adam Bosworth has decided to move on from the company once he gets back from vacation. Now in charge? One Marissa Mayer, long the object of Valleywag's fascination. While the powers that be will try to spin this as a promotion, we think that Marissa might want to dust off the old resume. Becoming the head of health is the tech equivalent of being named the drummer for Spinal Tap. After the jump, the email explaining the management change sent to all Google Health beta testers.

A glimpse inside Google Health

Mary Jane Irwin · 08/14/07 05:24PM

Google Blogoscoped has posted tipster-supplied screenshots of a prototype of Google's upcoming health-information service. Presumably, these are screens from the demo reportedly being shopped around to health professionals and other advisors. While the amount of data Google Health plans to store is impressive, and potentially helpful, it's terrifying to contemplate the prospect of one company controlling all of your personal data — from communications and business documents to medical records. If we're lucky, Googler Adam Bosworth's make-work project will never get off the ground.