
Your Google Pseudonym Must Be Approved in Google Court

Ryan Tate · 01/23/12 06:35PM

The anxious cyborgs who rule Google have decreed, after much controversy and deliberation, that they will alllow people to register accounts that do not match their official hu-man names. All you need to do to obtain a pseudonym is to furnish a printed "offline" news article, government document, popular Twitter account and three (3) types of bodily fluid.

Google Says Please Apply in Writing To Enter Search Results

Ryan Tate · 01/11/12 02:55PM

You never call, you never write, and Google has had it: If you would like entry into the spiffy new Google search results, and you are a social network, Google would like you to send the company a letter first.

Die, Facebook, Die

Adrian Chen · 10/26/11 03:46PM

More and more people are hating Facebook in increasingly effective ways, and for increasingly better reasons. Good times. Too bad it will probably do nothing to keep Facebook from transforming the internet into an unbearably bland prison-mall.

Mark Zuckerberg Is Now Richer Than Google's Geezers

Ryan Tate · 09/22/11 02:42PM

Facebook's co-founder CEO might be 11 years younger than Google's co-founder CEO, with a company half as old, but he's got about $2.4 billion on the guy. Mark Zuckerberg just became the country's richest person under 40.

Watch Google Describe How It Can Exploit Your Name

Ryan Tate · 08/29/11 08:59PM

People have been complaining that, by requiring real names, Google Plus trades your privacy for Google's bottom line. So Google's chairman just assured a crowd in Scotland that, in actuality, the social network trades your privacy for some frickin' awesome enhancements to Google's bottom line.

Names Banned By Google Plus

Ryan Tate · 07/25/11 06:15PM

Google's social network is on a rampage. It's banning people for using nicknames. It' s banning people for names that are too short. It's banning people for names that are too long. It's even banning people for having the wrong names.

Behave on Google Plus or Your Gmail Gets It

Adrian Chen · 07/20/11 02:56PM

One reason for Google Plus' explosive growth is its seamless integration into the other Google services everyone already relies on. But this might be its biggest downfall, too: If you screw up on Google Plus, you risk all your precious Google stuff being deleted forever.

D-List Celebrities Are Too Good for Google Plus

Adrian Chen · 07/19/11 05:17PM

Google Plus is quickly becoming a hit among early adopters who want to pretend they're too good for Facebook. Now Google wants to go after the holy manna of social networking—celebs, and their wired fans.

Mark Zuckerberg Hides His Friend List

Ryan Tate · 07/13/11 01:47PM

As CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg forced everyone's hidden friend lists into public view. As a user of Google Plus, Mark Zuckerberg just decided to hide his own friends. Double standard, much?

Does Anyone Want a Google Plus Invite?

Adrian Chen · 06/29/11 12:04PM

Google just launched its new Facebook thing: Google Plus. And it's invite-only. But people aren't exactly killing each for Google Plus invites. Oh, how times have changed since the Gmail Invite Gold Rush.

Google Plus Swears It's More Trustworthy Than Facebook

Ryan Tate · 06/28/11 03:04PM

Google Plus understands you're nervous, baby. That Facebook, he cheated on you, embarrassed you, and keeps promising to change. But you can trust Google Plus. He's different. Really! Dump Facebook and tell all your friends about your new, richer social network.