
Google tourists: Mango lassi in paradise

ndouglas · 04/25/06 04:25PM

This guest report comes from a Google tourist — not the boring kind surfing Google Earth, but the lucky folks who drop in on the Plex. A reader comes back from Mountain View glowing with the Glory of the Presence. No photos, sadly — "And dang it my cell phone was dead (i'm surprised it wasn't detected and then dynamically charged)."

At Google, your, um, comfort's under control

ndouglas · 04/17/06 01:00PM

Everything's slick at Google's HQ — even the bathrooms are "specially outfitted." This camphone shot from a reader shows the controls for Google's washlets. I'm told that only women can fully appreciate the danger of playing with these buttons.

Google Tokyo has snack rooms too

ndouglas · 02/23/06 03:35PM

Search Engine Journal editor Loren Baker pointed me to his photos from Google Tokyo. Above, the requisite shot of the snack room. Below, a close-up of that pinnacle of Japanese sales innovation, the vending machine: