
Ashley Feinberg · 09/30/15 09:34AM

The House has invoked martial law for the second time this month, allowing them to vote on a stopgap spending bill this morning and keeping our barely functioning government from grinding to a halt for at least another few months. Progress!

Boehner Considering Not Completely Fucking the Country Over Before He Vacates Office

Ashley Feinberg · 09/29/15 11:57AM

While Boehner is almost sure to stave off a government shutdown before the September 30 deadline, the looming debt ceiling—which we’re estimated to reach sometime in mid-December—presents a much larger problem. But earlier this morning, Boehner told reporters that he’s not ruling out a vote to raise the country’s borrowing limit. And considering Boehner’s replacement will likely be far more compliant to the party’s whims, this could be the best chance we’ve got.

Lacey Donohue · 10/17/13 10:49PM

Total cost of the government shutdown? About $24 billion.

Lacey Donohue · 10/17/13 06:31PM

House stenographer and conservative martyr Dianne Reidy explained her Wednesday night outburst in an email to Fox News’ Chad Pergram: “For the past 2 and 1/2 weeks, the Holy Spirit has been waking me up in the middle of the night and preparing me (through my reluctance and doubt) to deliver a message in the House Chamber.
 That is what I did last night.”

President Obama: “Stop Focusing on the Bloggers”

Taylor Berman · 10/17/13 11:29AM

In his post-budget deal speech this morning, President Obama outlined the necessity of an effective federal government and thanked the Democrats and Republicans who worked together to end the shutdown while criticizing, without specifically naming, the conservatives responsible for the closure.

Cord Jefferson · 10/16/13 11:43AM

Senator Harry Reid has announced a plan that may reopen the government and avoid national default. People in Antarctica will be very happy to hear it.

Senate Planning Shutdown Deal; Will the House Screw It All Up?

Cord Jefferson · 10/15/13 08:14PM

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are reportedly in the final stages of working out a deal to reopen the government and avoid a national default. Great news. Now the question is if said deal will be able to get through the goddamn mess that is the House of Representatives.

Taylor Berman · 10/15/13 04:10PM

Blaming “political brinkmanship” for a potential debt default later this week, ratings agency Fitch just put the United States’ ‘AAA’ credit rating under review for a downgrade.

Fuck Our National Monuments

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/13 03:59PM

No aspect of the U.S. government shutdown has garnered more public attention or drawn more outrage than the closing of national monuments. State governments and private donors have kicked in funds to keep monuments open. Here is a more nuanced perspective: fuck the fucking national monuments.

House Republicans Abandon New Shutdown Bill

Taylor Berman · 10/15/13 09:35AM

Hoping to preempt a tentative Senate deal unpopular with many of its members, House Republicans presented a new plan this morning to reopen the government through Jan. 15 and raise the debt limit to Feb. 7. UPDATE 11:55 a.m.: House Republicans have already abandoned the plan because there weren't enough votes to support it.

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 10/12/13 10:40AM

All that progress being reported last night on a possible deal to increase the debt limit and maybe reopen the government? It's gone. House Republicans tell CNN that the President "rejected our deal" after a late-night session with the White House.