
GOP Congressman Makes Park Ranger Apologize for Shutdown

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/03/13 09:00AM

In an astounding confrontation that took place yesterday at the World War II Memorial in DC, a Tea Party congressman from Texas appeared to blame the Park Service for denying veterans access to the facility — and then made a Park Ranger apologize for the shutdown. "How do you look at them and ... deny them access?" Rep. Randy Neugebauer asked the unidentified Ranger in an incredible exchange that was caught on camera by NBC Washington.

Cord Jefferson · 10/02/13 07:58PM

Native Americans are some of the underrecognized victims of the shutdown: "In South Dakota, Yankton Sioux Tribe Vice Chairwoman Jean Archambeau said the shutdown means money for heating assistance won't be coming this fall. 'I don't know what we're going to do,' she said."

Shutdown Day 2: Obama Cuts Trip Short, Rejects "Piecemeal" GOP Offer

Taylor Berman · 10/02/13 07:19AM

Wednesday morning, the White House announced that President Obama had cancelled plans to visit Malaysia and the Philippines next week because of the government shutdown. Obama is, for now, still planning to visit to Brunei and Indonesia, where he will attend the APEC summit and and the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations; Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Malaysia and the Philippines in Obama's place.

Cord Jefferson · 10/01/13 07:50PM

The House voted down three focused government funding bills today. The bills would have funded national parks and veterans affairs, and allowed D.C. to temporarily spend its funds without congressional approval. The White House was against the bills, calling them "piecemeal." The GOP will now say Obama hates veterans.

Cord Jefferson · 10/01/13 06:46PM

ThinkProgress has a roundup of how foreign media is writing about the shutdown. France: "Jefferson, wake up, they’ve gone crazy!" Germany: "[Republicans] are not only taking their own party to the brink, but the whole country." Russia: "The 'Elephants' Are Robbing the U.S. Government."

True Stories From Day One of the Government Shutdown

Taylor Berman · 10/01/13 03:13PM

Earlier today, we asked how the government shutdown has affected you. More than 600 comments later, we've heard from government workers, students, concerned family members, non-profit employees and dozens of others. Here's what they said.

Obama to House Republicans: "I Will Not Give in to Reckless Demands"

Cord Jefferson · 10/01/13 01:56PM

Addressing the partial government shutdown that went into effect last night and the first day of open enrollment in the Affordable Care Act, President Obama just a few minutes ago praised his cornerstone healthcare legislation while also making it clear that he thinks some of the House Republicans are total assholes.

Taylor Berman · 10/01/13 12:44PM

In this photo tweeted by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, House Republicans sit across from empty chairs (again with the empty chairs) meant to symbolize absent Democratic leadership from the Senate. Or something.

Cord Jefferson · 09/30/13 07:57PM

The House just voted 228 to 201 to keep the government open while delaying Obamacare's individual mandate and canceling insurance subsidies for members of Congress. Senate Democrats have promised to reject the bill within an hour. We're three hours away from shutdown.

Get Ready for a Government Shutdown

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 09/28/13 03:30PM

Passport need renewing? Psyched for that totally amazing weekend you have lined up in Yellowstone? Well, John Boehner has some bad news for you: Unless the Senate agrees to delay the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (AKA ObamaKillsUCare) for an entire year, House Republicans will most likely let the government shut down on October 1st. Fun!