You Know You Want Weird Al's Robin Thicke Parody About Grammar
Jay Hathaway · 07/15/14 11:05AMRobin Thicke has tried to move on from the controversy over "Blurred Lines," releasing a smash-hit plea for his wife to take him back (54 copies sold in Australia!), but Thicke's biggest hit is still right in the sweet spot for a Weird Al parody. Replace the naked models with sexy punctuation and the possessiveness with possessives, and you've got "Word Crimes."
The Oxford Comma Is, So, Popular
Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/14 08:22AMKesha Made It Out of Rehab, But Her Dollar Sign Didn't
Jay Hathaway · 03/07/14 04:55PM
Kesha Sebert has successfully completed rehab for eating disorders, and she says she's come away from the experience feeling "blessed." She's also come away from it as The Artist Formerly Known as Ke$ha, dropping the dollar sign in favor of a much more Google-friendly "s." Way to think about yr SEO, gurl. That's healthy.
Everyone Can Go Ahead and Call a Blog Post "A Blog" Now
Tom Scocca · 02/11/14 05:30PM
This week's New Yorker contains an essay, currently available in the print edition only, by Roger Angell, about what his life is like at the age of 93. It is full of well-wrought observations about loss and mortality and sex and the abundance of existence but it also keeps an eye on the contemporary, as in this passage: