Barack Obama 'Reminds Me of Saddam Hussein': The GOP Backlash Begins
Robert Kessler · 01/16/13 05:33PMRepublicans are crawling out of the woodwork to attack President Obama's gun control package, announced today. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has accused Obama of abusing his executive powers. Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) accused the President of "disdain" for the Second Amendment. But the best criticism yet comes from Rep. Steve Stockman (R- (where else?) TX).
Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan Will Be Fox News's Date to the White House Correspondents' Dinner
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/26/12 05:15PMTom Cruise's Former Spiritual Mentor Continues to Piss Off Scientologists
Louis Peitzman · 04/07/12 11:58AM
Today's edition of The Independent offers a profile of Marty Rathbun, a member of the Church of Scientology for 27 years, now considered a "heretic." As a high-ranking official, Rathbun worked with high-profile Scientologists like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, and Greta Van Susteren. Since he left the Church, he has been hounded by damaging allegations and a weirdly persistent "documentary crew" known as the "SQUIRREL BUSTERS."
Keith Olbermann Will No Longer Be Authority on World's Worst People
Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 09:49AM
In response to more cries of liberal double standards, Keith Olbermann is suspending his "Worst Persons in the World" segment. It's all over remarks the Current TV host made three years ago about conservative commentators Michelle Malkin and S.E. Cupp. (If you guessed he called either of them a "slut," you'd be wrong.)
Ten People Who Should Quit the Media in 2012
Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/11 10:00AM
This is not just a list of media people we don't like. Nor is it just a list of media people who had a bad year. This is a list of media people who—abundant evidence shows—should not be in the media, any more. Give it up. Try something else. (We'll even make a suggestion.) You've given it a shot. It's not working any more. The media is not for you.
Look, Greta Van Susteren Is Not a 'Real Journalist,' Okay?
Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/11 10:25AM
Rigidly visaged Fox News television presenter Greta Van Susteren has already established herself as the least journalistic "journalist" in all of this great land, due to her complete mystification as to the very concept of journalism. This is most clearly evidenced by the fact that she is close personal friends with newsworthy figures, yet continues to pretend that she is "covering" them as a "journalist," rather than "performing metaphorical fellatio upon them" like a "fanboy." Whether you think this is convenient or inconvenient is closely correlated with whether or not you think Fox News is a "good" news network.
Meet Gloria Cain
Jim Newell · 11/14/11 02:49PMWas This Sly Chin Move Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment 'Gesture'?
Jim Newell · 10/31/11 04:15PMSurprisingly, Fox News Didn't Use This Video of a Smart, Articulate Protester
Max Read · 10/03/11 09:00PMHere's a video of Occupy Wall Street protester Jesse LaGreca being interviewed by a Fox News producer last Wednesday for a segment for Greta Van Susteren's show. "We're here [...] to give you fair coverage," the producer tells LaGreca, only... this segment never aired, while a bunch of others, involving much less articulate and issue-literate protesters, did (on other shows, to be fair). I wonder why. [New York Observer]
Don't Go to Acapulco Right Now
Lauri Apple · 08/20/11 03:44PMEvery Journalist Got a New Job This Week
Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/11 01:51PMMark Halperin Has Now Called Obama Both Types of Genitalia
Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/11 02:27PMCelebs No Longer Have to Write Their Own Crappy HuffPo 'Blogs'
Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/11 02:17PMGreta Van Susteren Unclear on What Journalism Is
Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/11 03:04PMSarah Palin Has Fire in Her Belly
Jim Newell · 05/20/11 10:58AMWhich one of you liberal pranksters lit a fire in Sarah Palin's belly? Because she's totally confirmed that yes, there is some sort of flame now roasting her innards, the sort of internal situation that makes one want to run for president.
Greta Van Susteren Judged 'Media Personality Least Likely to Commit Journalism'
Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/11 02:44PMFox News Anchor Is Sick of People Using Her to Get to Sarah Palin
Adrian Chen · 04/08/11 01:21PMSarah Palin: 'I Am Through Whining About A Liberal Press'
Jim Newell · 03/24/11 01:55PMGlobetrotting grifter Sarah Palin sat down with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren last night to discuss Libya, her recent vacation, you name it. What she would not spend the whole interview doing is "whining" about the "liberal press," her favorite activity which she's quitting now that she's "made my point."
Sarah Palin's Incredibly Clever State of the Union Joke
Max Read · 01/27/11 02:03AMFormer Governor of Alaska and alternate-universe U.S. President Sarah Palin was on Fox News host Greta Van Susteren's show On the Recorder to talk about the State of the Union. And she packed her bag of zingers!