
The D.C. Press Corps Is Fine With Being Fawning Lap Dogs to Power, Just Not on Camera

Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/12 09:45AM

There are no better symbols of the rotten soul of the Washington, DC press corps than its annual "Cocksuckers to Power" dinners, when journalists emerge from their cave to backslap with and be patronized by the very politicians that they are supposed to be covering in an aggressive manner, on behalf of the public. The White House Correspondents Dinner is the most high-profile example of this sickening vomitorium of fellatio of power. Now its prime competitor, The Gridiron Dinner, is getting jealous.


Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/08 03:27PM

We would be remiss if we let this one get lost in the whoremongering hubbub: George Bush, President of the US and foe of Eliot Spitzer, sang a song at the annual Gridiron Dinner this past weekend [WP]. To the absolute delight of the assembled Washington press corps/ slavish DC whoremongers to power. Clips have surfaced on YouTube, and two videos are after the jump: the first records the actual, self-referential song that Bush croons; the second records the deafening positive reaction of the press corps to the spectacle. Fuckers.