
Groupon Sold a Bunch of Defective, Counterfeit "Extra Safe" Condoms

Jay Hathaway · 04/23/15 04:00PM

Groupon became famous and went public in 2011 by hawking restaurant discounts to people who Instagram their food, but since then, they’ve realized that emailing people coupon spam isn’t a profitable model. Now they’ve switched from pushing coupons to selling a motley assortment of very strange shit, like a mane for your cat, or counterfeit Durex condoms riddled with small holes.

Glenn Danzig Tells Crowd To Punch "Fucking Asshole" Filming With Phone

Camille Dodero · 10/11/13 06:18PM

On Wednesday night, Danzig headlined the Cuban Club in Ybor City, Florida. During the opening of doom-rock ballad "Blood and Tears," the eponymous gloom-metal god noticed someone in the audience recording the performance and demanded, "Somebody punch that fucking asshole right there."

Cord Jefferson · 02/28/13 09:06PM

Groupon's flailing CEO was canned today. His official announcement included a few jokes and a "Battletoads" reference.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/12 09:27AM

Remember when Groupon was supposed to be the next big thing? Man. Seems like a long time ago.

The Tech Bubble Just Popped

Ryan Tate · 11/23/11 04:16PM

Groupon just closed down 35 percent from the start of the week and, for the first time ever, below its initial public offering price. Most other big, recent tech IPOs are underwater too. It's time to admit the tech bubble is burst.

Oh, Good: The Groupon Bubble Is Already Popping

Ryan Tate · 11/22/11 06:14PM

There was a flurry of interest in Groupon's stock just before the IPO, driving up the price a bit. But Wall Street's crush on the online discounter was short-lived: Its stock plummeted today, for the second time in a month. Maybe reason will actually prevail in tech investing, just this once.

Investors Are Dying to Bet Against Groupon

Ryan Tate · 11/11/11 03:01PM

Want to short Groupon's stock? Get in line: the financially questionable online discounter is now ranked in the absolute most expensive category of stocks to bet against. Some 5.5 percent of the company's shares are out to short investors, versus 3.3 percent for an average S&P 500 issue.

The Groupon IPO Will Be Huge (God Help Us)

Ryan Tate · 11/03/11 07:12PM

Groupon goes public tomorrow, and the financially frightful coupon startup should be a stock market hit: With about 10 times more prospective buyer than shares, the stock priced today at $20, up from an expected $16 - $18. So it looks like the tech bubble, inflated heretofore by private investment deals, is going public. How exciting.

Who the Hell Is Going to Invest in Groupon?

Ryan Tate · 11/02/11 04:07PM

It's make or break time. Metastasizing corporate basketcase Groupon is going public Friday. Are stock investors crazy enough to value the unprofitable company at $11 billion?

How Groupon Turned Into a Messy Orgy of Money, Sex, and Ego

Ryan Tate · 11/01/11 03:19PM

Groupon's long journey from flailing startup to multi-billion-dollar Wall Street obsession has played out like an opera, with subplots involving orgiastic young sales reps, brutal German managers, a puppet-master chairman, and amazing levels of greed. Business Insider's Nicholas Carlson went behind the scenes, talked to people in the know, and filed the sensational report that appears below.

Groupon's Value May Have Plunged 88 Percent

Ryan Tate · 10/03/11 05:06PM

Investors are willing to gamble less and less on Groupon's imaginary future profits, various fund managers told Bloomberg, thanks to the near constant reminders about just how imaginary those profits are. One fund manager thinks the online coupon startup has seen its value fall to as low as $3 billion from $25 billion.

Groupon Exec Jumps Ship for Google

Adrian Chen · 09/23/11 04:07PM

Here's another sign, if one was needed, that Groupon is coming unhinged when it can least afford it: The company's COO, Margo Georgiadis, has jumped ship after just five short months for her old employer, Google.

How Dodgy Groupon Could Go Public Next Month

Ryan Tate · 09/15/11 07:09PM

After making noise during its federally mandated quiet period and after taking heat for a farcical accounting metric, Groupon might still be able to IPO next month. The online discounter's CEO just has to prove to the feds that he's not a liar.

Groupon Scrapped Its IPO Plans Amid Federal Questioning

Ryan Tate · 09/06/11 04:11PM

Surprise: Wildly unprofitable money pit Groupon canceled its investor roadshow and withdrew its IPO schedule, says the Wall Street Journal. Also, there's a new SEC inquiry into the company. But everything will be back on track just as soon as the tech bubble returns, honest!