Battle of the Blog Designs: The Guest of a Guest vs. Gawker Design War
Foster Kamer · 02/21/10 02:15PMRavi Somaiya · 01/25/10 06:46AM
It Gets Worse: Meg Whitman's Sons' Racism and Entitlement Were Stuff of Legend
Maureen O'Connor · 12/18/09 06:22AMWhat Is Going on with Tinsley Mortimer's Love Life?
Brian Moylan · 11/20/09 04:07PMTinsley Mortimer and Devorah Rose Teach Us How Reality TV Is Supposed to Work
Brian Moylan · 11/18/09 11:12AMNYC Prep's Camille Hughes' Dirty, Dirty 18th Birthday Party
Brian Moylan · 10/26/09 03:12PMThe Jane Hotel Is Well on Its Way to Being Shut Down
Brian Moylan · 09/21/09 04:09PMKristian Laliberte, Booze Thief
The Cajun Boy · 08/18/09 08:31PMGay Foppish Dandy 'Assaulted' By Moneyed Straight in the Hamptons, Takes Stand
The Cajun Boy · 08/17/09 10:19PMJon & Mike: The Seventh Seal of Hamptons Armageddon Has Been Broken
Brian Moylan · 07/22/09 05:45PMGuest of a Guest's Rachelle Hruska's Wild Hamptons Night
Foster Kamer · 07/05/09 11:00AMSlave Labor: The New, New-Media Profit Model
Foster Kamer · 06/21/09 08:15PMDavid Carr's Night on the Town
The Cajun Boy · 06/08/09 09:16PMThe Comprehensive Guide To The Nu-Fameball Class of 2009
Foster Kamer · 05/24/09 09:00PMSmiling Through the Mediaocalypse
Melissa Gira Grant · 05/18/09 03:07PMTimes: Hamptons Just Like Us, Cutely Conserving for "Thrifty" Summer
Foster Kamer · 05/16/09 06:00PMThe Guest of a Guest, Revealed
Sheila · 05/07/08 05:04PMThe (Un)Reality of Blogging
Richard Lawson · 01/29/08 01:27PM
In this era of hard and difficult facts, there is perhaps no greater discussion than whether a fictional character would be that most intangible of titles, a Blogger. Guest of a Guest, a blog, poses such a question today about our favorite glammed-up stroke victim, Carrie Bradshaw (from that Sex and the City program.) The character was a dating columnist, and it's begun to seem de rigeur for such types to hop on the internet and rattle off their thoughts. Now that it's 2008 and everyone else does, would Carrie Bradshaw blog??