
Guest troll: Stick a Vic in it, it's done

Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 01:03PM

The defection of Microsoft's platform evangelist Vic Gundotra to Google, days after MS's Google assassin Martin Taylor slunk off, is more than a bad sign. According to Microsoft troll Chris Coulter, it's — well, picture a comically large stack of soup cans in a Disney movie. Now pull one can from the bottom layer. Chris plays war correspondent in this speed-and-liquor-fueled totally sober doomsaying guest post.

Guest scoop: AOL allegedly axes most of its dying Access department

Nick Douglas · 06/25/06 09:30AM

What we have here is either an actual bug-eyed-insane AOLer gloating over his own company's failure in the Internet access business, or an equally bug-eyed-insane AOLer seeding lies to discredit Valleywag, defame AOL, or both. Either way, the grammar and spelling prove this tipster really is from AOL.