
Bezos Beloved

Nick Douglas · 08/10/06 10:35AM

One of Valleywag's eternal would-be contibutors, who tirelessly forwards us his precisely HTML-encoded attacks on Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos, sent this little nugget about the Bezos family's literary lives.

Guest post: MySpace gets its tubes tied

Nick Douglas · 08/03/06 12:54PM

Kiss me, kill me, link me, flash me! Guest writer Peter Kazanjy explains why MySpace's new Flash tomfoolery makes YouTube just a little more fucked.

Guest post: Chris Coulter's Microsoft Mess, parts #31,761-31,774

Nick Douglas · 05/25/06 11:00AM

Whatever resident Microsoft-maligner Chris Coulter (a Man Without a Blog) does during the day, it left him time to compile a massive list of Microsoft's current messes. One suspects he's actually counted #1 through #31,760.