
Why Did the AP Run A Story About All the Gun Deaths on One Day and Not Mention It Was Gun Appreciation Day?

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 03/10/13 12:18PM

Yesterday, the Associated Press released a story that soberly chronicled some of the deaths caused by gun violence on a single day in America. The single, typical day was January 19th, which as the article states, was the beginning of the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, as well as the weekend of the presidential inauguration. However, more importantly, it was also the inaugural "Gun Appreciation Day" as David Waldman points out. It's hard to believe that it could be a simple coincidence that the AP chose "Gun Appreciation Day" to highlight the deaths caused by that so worthy of appreciation.

Who Taught You to Love Yourself: Learning From the Ghosts of Gun Violence

Mychal Denzel Smith · 01/19/13 11:30AM

As a general rule, I hate movie scenes that take place in the rain. Not necessarily because of the rain itself, but because whenever you see rain you know someone is sad, or in love, or sadly in love, or dying. I believe in the human capacity for imagination, and that we haven't come up with a better device to show melancholy or romance than some storm clouds and a light drizzle, kinda pisses me off.

Today's School Shooting Proved Once and For All How Stupid the NRA Is

Jordan Sargent · 01/10/13 08:51PM

Let's rewind back to Dec. 21, 2012 — about four weeks ago, and exactly a week after Adam Lanza killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn. On that day, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." He also proposed that armed guards be stationed at every school in the country to prevent mass shootings.

Chicago's Murder Rate in 2013 is Already Outpacing 2012

Jordan Sargent · 01/08/13 09:41PM

Murder is routine in the city of Chicago, which experienced over 500 homicides last year (the number ranges from 506 to 516, depending on your source). It's so routine that the city became a sort of far-off black cloud lingering in the background of the year's massacres in Aurora and Newtown, a reminder — if you remembered — that gun violence takes lives in grotesque numbers every single day.