
Open Carry at the Republican Convention: Yes Please

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/16 02:25PM

While many media outlets cower in their luxury office towers, too scared to stand up for the Bill of Rights that built this great nation, we are unafraid to boldly proclaim: yes, unpredictable partisan crazies should carry deadly weapons on the floor of the Republican National Convention.

Uber's Gun Policy Only Has One Problem

Jordan Sargent · 02/24/16 05:55PM

As after most mass shootings in this country, the murder spree conducted by Jason Dalton in Kalamazoo, Mich. isn’t going to turn our attention to the gun lobby. Instead, this time, we have a villain that is far flashier and still maybe vulnerable: Uber.

University of Houston Offers Teachers Helpful Tips For How to Not Get Murdered

Jordan Sargent · 02/23/16 01:11PM

Beginning Aug. 1, Texans who legally own guns (so, all of them) will be able to carry their concealed weapons on the campuses of the state’s public universities. Some faculty at the University of Houston appear concerned over what the new law might mean for their safety, so the school recently presented the following Powerpoint slide that suggests ways in which teachers may reduce their chances of being murdered by their students.

The Ultimate Litmus Test For Guns

Jordan Sargent · 02/22/16 02:15PM

In an ideal version of our deeply shitty country, every mass shooting would be a referendum on guns. If that were the case, the murder spree conducted this past weekend by a man in Kalamazoo, Mich. would perhaps be the ultimate litmus test for what this country can stomach when it comes to guns.

Here's What Happens When You Post a Gun on Social Media and You're Not Jeb

Brendan O'Connor · 02/16/16 08:53PM

Earlier today, after a campaign stop at the FN America manufacturing plant in Columbia, South Carolina, Jeb Bush tweeted a photograph (caption: “America.”) of a .45-caliber handgun engraved with his name. As it happens, FN America is a subsidiary of the Belgian company FN Herstal, which, the Washington Post points out, was requisitioned by the Nazis in its previous incarnation as Fabrique Nationale d’Armes de Guerre.

Ten Years Ago Today, Dick Cheney Almost Killed a Man He Barely Knew

Jordan Sargent · 02/11/16 06:20PM

Of all the destruction waged by Dick Cheney during his eight-year run of terror in the White House, one incident stands out as the oddest: On February 11, 2006, Cheney shot a hunting partner in the face, nearly killing him. The incident is as fondly remembered as anything could be with Cheney, perhaps because it’s the only one of his un-prosecuted crimes that qualifies as slapstick. But there were several misconceptions about the man on the other side of Cheney’s shotgun, including that he was friends with the vice president, that he only suffered superficial wounds, and that it was merely an unavoidable accent.

Facebook Bans Gun Sales, Sort Of

Melissa Cronin · 01/30/16 09:48AM

Facebook, once a safe haven for gun profiteers and those who wanted to, for some undisclosed reason, anonymously obtain a semi-automatic weapon that can take a life with the push of a button, is clamping down. The social media site announced this week that it will no longer allow private gun sales on its site or on that of Instagram, which it owns.

Cops: Have You Seen Our Lost Gun? Please Give It Back

Sam Biddle · 01/27/16 02:14PM

Well, boy, hoo... this is embarrassing, but the Orange County Sheriff’s Department just lost an AR-15 rifle. Have you seen it? It looks just like the one up there. Uh, if you find it, could you give it back? Listen, I know this looks bad, but do me a solid here. They put it on top of their car and then drove off. I guess it fell. Anyone?

Drunk Guy Accidentally Shoots Woman During Benghazi Movie Screening

Ashley Feinberg · 01/22/16 01:55PM

During an evening showing of 13 hours yesterday, a theater full of Benghazi enthusiasts in Renton, Washington bore witness to a different sort of disaster when an allegedly drunk 29-year-old dropped his gun, accidentally shooting one of his fellow theater-goers in the chest. As of this morning, the 40-year-old woman was listed as being in “serious condition.”

Oregon Militia Gunman Hides Under Tarp on MSNBC

Sam Biddle · 01/05/16 11:18PM

It’s unclear to what extent anti-government gunmen, currently occupying a federal building in Oregon are willing to go to make their very dumb point. But for now, one of the patriots is taking shelter underneath this blue tarp.