
Gun Nuts Troll Facebook Post Praising Navy's USS Gabrielle Giffords

Adam Weinstein · 06/12/15 02:12PM

They must have roamed the internet, thirsty, like wild dogs of the African savannah, until they found it: A popular military veteran’s Facebook site, gently praising the Navy’s christening of the USS Gabrielle Giffords. It was a veritable oasis, drawing in the pack of gundamentalists: There was water here.

Gun-Toting Real American™ Just Wants Airport Cops to Leave Him Alone

Adam Weinstein · 06/04/15 12:45PM

Jim Cooley cares deeply about freedom. And safety. Which is why he travels to Atlanta’s airport carrying an AR-15 with a 90-round drum magazine. But why can’t he do that without cops politely following him at a safe distance? Isn’t this America?

Concealed Weapons Likely Coming to All Texas Universities

Allie Jones · 05/27/15 07:50AM

Republicans in the Texas House of Representatives rushed to approve a “campus carry” measure last night that will allow students at the state’s public and private universities to carry concealed weapons in classrooms, buildings, and even dorms. The bill’s sponsor, State Rep. Allen Fletcher, said the measure would address crime on campus.

NRA Goes After a Female Gun Control Advocate as Only the NRA Can

Adam Weinstein · 08/25/14 03:10PM

Shannon Watts, the head of the pro-gun-regulation group Moms Demand Action, is a mom. The National Rifle Association hates Watts. So it wrote a blistering profile of her. And dressed her up as a cutout mom with kitchen and housekeeping accoutrements, because moms oughta know their place!

No Charges for "Nervous" Grandma Who Shot 7-Year-Old Grandson

Adam Weinstein · 08/21/14 01:36PM

What is a good reason to keep a loaded gun on a nightstand near your preteen grandkids and fire indiscriminately at one of them in the dark? According to the United States' legal consensus, being afraid is enough, because the United States is full of irrational, scared, armed citizens, and God bless 'em, huh?

The NRA Tried to Get Rid of This Video Advocating Guns for the Blind

Adam Weinstein · 08/07/14 03:31PM

"Do you think you need to see where you're shooting if someone's on top of you, trying to kill or rape you, while their hands are slowly squeezing your neck and they're yelling 'I'm gonna kill you'? I didn't think so." This is the NRA commentator's argument for arming the blind that the NRA just removed from its website.