
There's No Evidence That Hillary Clinton Was "Targeted" by Russian Hackers, She Just Got Spam

Sam Biddle · 10/01/15 01:30PM

A new report from the Associated Press suggests Russian hackers deliberately attempted to infiltrate Hillary Clinton’s private email server, realizing the worst fears that critics of the server have held for months. But the story presents no evidence that any human being, Russian or otherwise, ever deliberately and knowingly attempted to hack into Clinton’s account. She just got spam, like all of us do.

Here Are the Horniest Companies in Media, According to the Ashley Madison Hack

Sam Biddle · 08/26/15 10:10AM

After the Ashley Madison hack spooked moralizing hypocrites and millions of would-be adulterers, the Associated Press conducted an investigation into the data that turned up “workers at more than two dozen Obama administration agencies” who had been using the cheating site from their government desks. The AP tracked down the offending bureaucrats by tracing the Internet Protocol Addresses—a unique number assigned to every internet-connected device, called an IP address for short—associated with the hacked accounts to government computers.

What's Actually Inside the Nightmare Ashley Madison Leak

Sam Biddle · 08/19/15 01:50PM

A gigantic online list of people who’ve cheated (or tried to cheat) on their wives is an internet worst case scenario. If you’re one of those people, you’re probably wondering, How fucked am I? Here’s a guided tour of what hackers just made public.

Hacker Brings Down New York Magazine Website Because He Really Hates NYC

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/27/15 08:01AM

On Sunday night, New York Magazine published the accounts of 35 women who say Bill Cosby raped them. It’s a powerful, first-hand narrative coupled with striking portraits of the victims but you can’t read it, because a racist hacker who apparently hates New York City took the magazine’s website offline.

Italian Spy Company "Joked" About Killing ACLU Employee

Sam Biddle · 07/10/15 11:05AM

Hacking Team, the recently hacked Milan-based outfit that peddled surveillance software to violent, oppressive governments around the world like Bahrain and the United States, naturally has a lot of critics. Their newly exposed emails reveal some very creepy conversations about one critic in particular.

Leak: American Police Bought Spyware from Sinister Italian Hacker Firm

Sam Biddle · 07/07/15 01:05PM

A Milan-based company called Hacking Team does exactly what their name implies: peddles malware and infectious spying software to oppressive governments around the world. And hackers have just leaked over 400 GB of data showing that the U.S. is among these slimy customers.

The Dish Drafts: Unpublished Missives From the Andrew Sullivan Hack

Alex Pareene · 06/15/15 04:15PM

Ever since ur-blogger Andrew Sullivan retired from blogging in February, his fans and admirers (“SullyHeads,” as they’re not known) have wondered, “what’s Andrew Sullivan up to, right now?” and “what does Andrew Sullivan think about what is happening in the news lately?” Proving his doubters wrong, Sullivan has remained quiet since his last post in February. But earlier today there was a sign of life at his longtime blog, The Dish: A single post — a gif of a tumbleweed rolling along a dirt path — went live.

Cool the Government Got Hacked and Millions of People are Compromised

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/04/15 06:30PM

The beauty of building up a wealth of confidential data you really don’t want anyone accessing is that it’s all in one place when, say, Chinese hackers decide they want to look at it. Such is the case with today’s “massive” federal data breach, the AP reports.

NSA Hacked North Korea Long Before Sony Cyberattack: Report

Aleksander Chan · 01/19/15 09:15AM

In the continued fallout of the Sony hack, a new report by the the New York Timesciting U.S. intelligence officials and documents previously leaked by Edward Snowden—puts the NSA inside North Korea's computer system as early as 2010. This previous hack, officials say, is how the United States apparently determined North Korea was responsible for the cyberattack on Sony.