
Saturday Night Special

Foster Kamer · 10/31/09 09:00PM

All kinds of ghouls today! Creepy celebrity stalkers. Angry cops and angry agitators. Famewhores and their "spiritual" advisers. Fake, drugged-up Jersey Politicos. Palins. Jacksons. Scientologists. Hopefully they'll all be gone (or less scary) by morning...after our extra hour of sleep!

Will The Nu-Vampire Trend Please Die? Tonight?

Foster Kamer · 10/31/09 08:15PM

Remember the Tarantino/Rodriguez camp-fest that was From Dusk Til' Dawn? George Clooney killed a bunch of south-of-the-border stripper/hooker-vampires using holy water-loaded Super Soakers. That was in 1996, and it should've been the end of vampire-cool. Now look where we are.

The One Mask Forbes Neglected to Include

cityfile · 10/30/09 02:03PM

If you haven't picked up something to wear for Halloween, Forbes has posted its annual collection of masks featuring "some of the year's most frightening faces." There's a little something for everyone. The Glenn Beck will work for if you're looking to frighten your liberal friends; then there's the one of Michael Moore, which will work nicely if you plan to hang out with a bunch of conservatives this weekend. Of course, if you actually work at Forbes and you just watched the company lay off as many as 100 employees this week, the most frightening man around right now is probably Steve Forbes himself, in which case you'll need this. You're welcome. [Forbes]

Pinch Takes a Pass

cityfile · 10/30/09 08:46AM

Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the publisher and chairman of the New York Times Co., is known for having a sense of humor. So you might think he'd get into the spirit of Halloween and put on a costume of some sort. That will not be the case, unfortunately. When we contacted his office, we were told to follow up with him directly by email, which, naturally, we did. His seven-word response: "I'm out of town that day." Next year then? [Previously]

Ashley Dupre Breaks Out the Blue Eyes This Weekend

cityfile · 10/30/09 02:00AM

We weren't able to find out what Eliot Spitzer is dressing up as for Halloween, but Ashley Dupre came through in a big way when she posted pics of one of three looks she'll be rocking this weekend to her Twitter account. (She'll be a sailor on Friday night, a cat for brunch on Saturday, and a vampire on Saturday night.) Ashley would like you to know she isn't wearing any make-up in these photos, and that it took her an hour to get the contact lenses in. But her efforts paid off nicely, didn't they? Two bigger pics of New York's most famous ex-call girl turned recording artist looking her freakiest are below.

Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 11

MisterHippity · 10/29/09 08:00PM

Happy pre-Halloween Thursday, live bloggers! As a bunch of witty folks interested in designing outfits (or at least watching others do it on TV), I'll bet you guys have some cool costumes planned for this weekend, huh?

Hillary Will Be Skipping Halloween This Year

cityfile · 10/29/09 12:33PM

Hillary Clinton won't be dressing up for Halloween. (But don't let that stop you from dressing up as Hillary, if you'd like.) When we called Secretary Clinton's press office in Washington, DC, and explained our request, the incredulous woman at the other end of the line said she'd have to get back to us. We later got a call from a press representative from the State Department. "Unfortunately, she's not going to be here to celebrate Halloween," he said. "She's traveling overseas in Asia and won't be back until the first week of November." So will she be dressing up overseas? "Um, I couldn't say," he replied. (MF)

Rudy Will Be Escaping to Jersey on Saturday Night

cityfile · 10/29/09 10:52AM

Rudy Giuliani will not be pulling his dusty Marilyn Monroe costume out of the closet this weekend, sadly. (It seems that while New Yorkers didn't have a problem with a mayor who occasionally cross-dressed, national voters picking their next president weren't quite as open-minded.) When we called Giuliani's office to find out what he was planning to wear for Halloween (if anything!), a spokesperson for the ex-mayor admitted that while she hadn't spoken to him about it, she didn't believe he had any plans to dress up: "He's likely to be in New Jersey campaigning for the gubernatorial candidate, Chris Christie," she said. [Previously]

The Naked Cowboy Is a One Trick Pony

cityfile · 10/29/09 01:45AM

His normal work attire is hard to top, but as part of our ongoing series on Halloween costumes, we thought we'd ask the Naked Cowboy (aka Robert Burke) if he was planning to dress up as anything special this weekend.

Anna Wintour Has No Need for Silly Costumes

cityfile · 10/28/09 11:34AM

With Halloween just a few days away, we thought we'd call up a handful of notable New Yorkers and find out what they're planning to dress up as this year. We'll be running these for the next couple of days. In this first installment, here's what a spokesperson for Vogue had to say when we called and asked what Anna Wintour was planning for October 31: "She has no plans to get in costume this year for Halloween." Oh, well. Fortunately, we'll have some more inspiring answers for you in just a bit. (MF)