
Israel Agrees to Five Hour “Humanitarian Window”

Aleksander Chan · 07/16/14 06:01PM

Israel has agreed to halt its attacks on Gaza for five hours Thursday in accordance to a deal brokered by the United Nations' special envoy to the Middle East, Robert H. Serry. The temporary break from assaults for a "humanitarian window" comes after days of airstrikes between the Israeli military and Hamas and the death of more than 200 Palestinians.

Israel and Hamas Consider Ceasefire Plan Offered by Egypt

Aleksander Chan · 07/14/14 06:12PM

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has proposed a ceasefire to the deadly attacks raged between Israel and Hamas, calling for a halt to further offensives until a truce can be negotiated. The Israeli government and leaders of Hamas have reportedly said they will consider the offer.

Palestinian Deaths Near 100, Hamas Promises "Long Battle" With Israel

Allie Jones · 07/11/14 07:03AM

Nearly 100 Palestinians have been killed this week in an ongoing Israeli offensive aimed at stopping rocket fire from Hamas. Hamas leaders promised a "long battle" with Israel on Friday: "We have prepared ourselves for a very long battle, not for a week or 10 days, as some have said, but for many long weeks," the group said in a statement.

Are You a Journalist? Ask the Treasury Department and Israel

Tom Scocca · 05/13/13 02:01PM

The Newseum, a gargantuan space in Washington, DC, dedicated to educating the public about the workings of journalism, unveiled a new exhibit today: a cutting-edge interactive demonstration of how pressure groups control what gets published.

Israeli Strike in Gaza City Kills 12 As Ceasefire Talks Continue

Jordan Sargent · 11/18/12 05:06PM

There's been a whole lot of cognitive dissonance going on in the Middle East on Sunday, as violence — and the death toll — continues to escalate despite reported efforts by both sides to reach a ceasefire. Today, an Israeli strike in Gaza City aimed at a militant allegedly involved in rocket attacks against Israel killed 12 Palestinians. According to a Palestinian health official, the 12 dead included five women and four children, and the Israeli Defense Force admitted that the targeted Hamas commander was not injured.

Israeli Fighter Jets Kill 8 Palestinians as Gaza Attacks Continue

Jordan Sargent · 11/17/12 04:38PM

Fighting between Israel and the Palestinian people entered its fourth day today, and eight Palestinians were killed by Israeli fighter jets targeting Hamas government compounds, tunnels and transformers. That brought the overall death toll to at least 45, with all but three of those being Palestinians.

How Williamsburg Is Not Like The Middle East (For Once)

Michael Weiss · 08/01/08 01:53PM

Saudi Arabia's Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice has banned Saudi pet stores from selling dogs and cats. Not because they wash up on shores looking like decayed hellspawn but because men are using them to pick up women. (Apparently they walk cats in the Wahhabi kingdom.) Meanwhile, it was reported yesterday that Hamas captured a Fatah agent, Nafez al-Namnam, and rather than torture him the old fashioned way, decided to humiliate him by shaving off his bushy, steer horn-shaped mustache. No canine cruise accessories, no wild facial hair — to think of all the liberties Brooklynites take for granted. [Yahoo, Israel Today]