
Are You Surprised That the Video of Comedian Steven Crowder Getting Punched in the Face By a Union Activist Was Misleadingly Edited?

Jordan Sargent · 12/13/12 07:26PM

This week's worthless, petty political controversy has taken an entirely predictable turn. As you may recall, conservative "comedian" and Fox News contributor Steven Crowder released video earlier this week that showed him getting punched in the face by a union activist during right-to-work protests in Michigan. Well, it turns out that Crowder's video was misleadingly edited to show him being punched, but not what happened immediately prior to the union member taking a swing at him. Even more hilariously, it was Sean Hannity's producers that slipped up and gave it away, as the NYT's the Lede blog points out.

What the Hell Was Herman Cain Talking About on Hannity?

Matt Cherette · 12/02/11 01:06AM

As his lawyer fought with Piers Morgan on CNN, Herman Cain granted an extended interview to longtime friend Sean Hannity tonight, and—in a rare moment of somewhat effective communication—announced he'll decide by Monday whether or not to continue his campaign. The rest of the interview, though, was classic Cain: a giant mess of half-brained half-truths that cause secondhand embarrassment for everyone else. Here are the worst (and therefore best) four minutes.

Sean Hannity on Obama: 'I Don't Think He's That Smart'

Matt Cherette · 08/30/11 02:02AM

On his Fox News show tonight, Sean Hannity expressed his annoyance over a Politico item that asked if Rick Perry is dumb. So how did Hannity react? By spending eight minutes calling President Obama a moron for mispronouncing the word "corpsman," naturally. The segment's lowlights are above.

Millionaire Dipshit Ted Nugent Stands Up to Tyranny on Hannity

Jeff Neumann · 07/03/10 02:56PM

Ted Nugent was a special guest on Hannity last night, where he said "we, the Tea Partiers" are sick of Obama "spitting on the U.S. Constitution, the Bill Of Rights, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule." You tell 'em, Nuge!