Science Proves That Happiness Is Within, My Friends
Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/14 04:55PMHamilton Nolan · 07/17/14 02:11PM
Winning Election Is "Happiest Moment, Obviously, of My Life," Says Dad
Hamilton Nolan · 06/11/14 01:30PMChild Unbelievably Happy After Being Given NHL Player's Hockey Stick
Kelly Conaboy · 04/24/14 08:35PMGrand Rapids Griffins player Jordin Tootoo made a sweet little boy's day after giving him his hockey stick during a recent game.
This Smile-Inducing Vine Will Make You Happy Every 6 Seconds, Forever
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/06/13 01:28PMAmericans Are Just Not Happy
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 06/02/13 03:35PMHamilton Nolan · 03/28/13 11:15AM
Turkmenistan Shits On National 'Happiness Week' With Alcohol Ban
Emma Carmichael · 04/06/12 01:16PMBlack Women Are Like 'I'm Fine,' White Women Are Like 'I'm Fat'
Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/12 01:39PMSaddest Cities in America Actually Seem More Fun Than Happiest
Max Read · 12/01/11 05:25PMStabbing Your Kids Is Okay Now
Hamilton Nolan · 11/21/11 04:44PMWeird: Women Like Being Friends With Women
Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/11 12:04PMWomen Find Happiness a Turnoff
Seth Abramovitch · 05/25/11 01:33AM
Remember that study that found cultured men to be generally happier than their uncultured counterparts? Well, there's another new study that says women are less attracted to happier guys! So what's it going to be? Cézanne and contentment? Or Michael Bay and getting laid? The choice is yours. [ScienceDaily.com, photo via Shutterstock]
Cultured Men Are Happier
Max Read · 05/23/11 11:00PM
A new study finds that men who participate in "cultural activities" — either as creators or audience members — are happier those who don't. (The effect is less pronounced in women: "Men seemed to get more of a percieved health benefit from being involved in different receptive cultural activites than women did," study author Koenraad Cuypers told LiveScience.) Is there truth to this? Well, I am very cultured — I know all the art, like the one with Jesus (?), and the one that's just one color (white, I think, or black?) — and I am very, very happy. So... yes. [dons monocle] [LiveScience]
There Are Not Bugs Crawling Under Your Skin, You're Just Crazy
Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/11 04:42PMKids These Days Pretty Sure Their Lives Will Suck
Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/11 12:36PMTennessee Is the Happiest State, According to Twitter
Max Read · 04/05/11 06:40PM
PhD student Alex Davies has set out to discover the happiest places in the world by analyzing Tweets. A noble project! But one that may need some tweaking, given that according to his data, the happiest U.S. state is Tennessee (tied with Arizona as the eighth most-unemployed state in the union) , and the happiest country is Germany (which, c'mon, it's Germany; if it were a happy country we wouldn't have had two different world wars).