
Applebee's Got A Baby Drunk

Seth Abramovitch · 04/10/11 07:58PM

It's never too soon to talk to your kids about drinking. A family eating at a Detroit-area Applebee's over the weekend noticed that their 15-month-old son Dominic was behaving oddly. That's because the restaurant had accidentally served him tequila.

Parody of News Network Invites on Parody of Blogger

Rebecca · 04/21/08 04:42PM

The Harvard educated and camera ready investment banker Muffie Benson-Perella would be a great guest on any business show. Her blog's slogan is "Dive Into the Muff!" And who wouldn't want to? This photogenic business woman is the founder of the Founder of Muff Cap, LLC., "an invitation only, private investment vehicle for prestigious and accredited investors only, employing an actively managed, long-short strategy." Plus, in prep school she concentrated in Contemporary French Poetry, and she was a part of the school's "exclusive" French Club. Fortunately, Muffie is just a caricature of vile she-bankers. Unfortunately, she's just the type the insipid Fox Business Happy Hour would love to have on as a guest. The network asked her to appear on an upcoming episode. After the jump, Fox's invitation to her mockery.

Dude, Bitchin' Kegger At Ted Harbert's Place!

mark · 04/25/07 05:01PM

If you find yourself wondering why that E!, Style Network, or G4 employee you really need to get in touch with this Friday afternoon isn't picking up his extension, don't panic: he's likely tied up with some very important keg-standing business on the Beer Floor of the First Annual Comcast Entertainment Group Crawl that will be raging at the CEG headquarters on Wilshire, a nice little tension-breaker that should help the company's employees blot out any unpleasant memories of the recent bomb scare at their headquarters with some free booze. Though it was supposed to be a surprise, staffers are already buzzing about the 10-foot ice luge CEO Ted Harbert will be personally operating in the lobby to kick off the event, sending shots of perfectly chilled Grey Goose rushing towards the gaping mouths of grateful underlings who are ready to take their Happy Hour revelry up a notch.