
Hamilton Nolan · 03/26/13 01:21PM

Some Buddhists are hardcore.

Some Girls Can Kick Your Ass

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/12 11:54AM

In order to better address the needs of our fitness-obsessed readers, we are introducing this semi-regular column, "I of the Tiger," to take on the vital hardcore fitness issues of our time. Today: girl stuff. Dig it.

All 47 Sports and Fitness Activities, Ranked

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/12 04:10PM

In this world, there are many ways to exercise. Some are actual sports; others are specific types of exercise; all will make you sweat, somehow. We have ranked them in scientific order, based on the following criteria: Physical Difficulty; Amount That You Would Be Humiliated If You Tried to Just Waltz In and Do Them Like Some Big Shot Because You Thought They Would Be Easy; and Overall Hardcoreness. Fake bullshit sports are not included. All rankings are final.

America Is Losing The Class War War!

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/09 09:06AM

All the world government big shots are meeting in London tomorrow for the G20. Really, they're much more worried about the hardtothemuthafuckincore protesters than the economy thing. Are UK protesters putting American protesters to shame?