
Harper’s Editor-in-Chief Christopher Cox Suddenly Fired After Editing Only Three Issues

J.K. Trotter · 02/02/16 06:47PM

Last fall, Harper’s publisher and CEO John R. MacArthur promoted Christopher Cox, then serving as deputy editor of the 165-year-old literary and political magazine, to editor-in-chief. But this past Friday, less than three months into Cox’s tenure, MacArthur abruptly changed his mind. “I can confirm that I have been terminated from Harper’s Magazine because of editorial differences with the publisher,” Cox wrote in an email to Gawker on Tuesday. “I’m not prepared to say more than that at this time.”

The Internet Is The Biggest Threat to Publishing Since the... Xerox Machine?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/12 10:02AM

Harper's Magazine publisher John R. "Rick" MacArthur is a man who was born wealthy and has used some of his wealth to publish a great magazine. That's good. Where he pays his staff notoriously meager salaries and fights against their efforts to form a union. That's bad. Rick MacArthur, though, has one overriding redeeming aspect: he is fucking hilariously dumb when he talks about the internet.

TBD.com Gutted: Making Money on News Is Hard

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/11 02:55PM

In your tragic Wednesday media column: TBD is eviscerated, a new WaPo ombudsman, media tweet beef, a bunch of HuffPo millionaires, Harper's Magazine is a case study of woe, and Fox News is your most valuable cable network without balls.

Robert Thomson Isn't Going Anywhere

Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/11 01:38PM

In your fleeting Wednesday media column: Robert Thomson is staying put, new offices for the HuffPo, ironic union troubles at Harper's, David Pecker is beloved without ever ordering anyone to love him, and A.J. Daulerio, profiled.

Marcus Brauchli Is Insanely Wealthy

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/10 02:34PM

In your staggering Tuesday media column: Marcus Brauchli is far richer than a newspaper editor should be (especially considering the new classified ad numbers), the future of Harper's debated, and Julia Allison overcomes media haters (like Richard Lawson).

Haitians Demand Newspaper Blankets

Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/10 01:57PM

In your musk-scented Monday media column: A use found for print media, the Harper's editor firing saga continues, small stakes mean big arguments in journalism academia, and Howell Raines returns.

Harper's Staff Harangued

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/10 02:54PM

In your wicked Wednesday media column: the post-Roger Hodge day at Harper's, real journalists sure don't work in a "coffee shop," layoffs at ABC, and Nancy Grace is bad.

Are Broke Authors the Best Authors?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/09 03:10PM

In the March Harper's there's an article about last fall's Frankfurt Book Fair, where the publishing industry gathered to bemoan its recession-era fate. Will a world with poorer authors really make publishing more pure?

If Print Dies, How Will We Learn About Hawk Murderers?

Alex Carnevale · 11/01/08 12:30PM

As magazines like Radar and Men's Vogue perish amid a more conservative economic climate, we pray nightly that some of our favorite publications don't go under. We would hate to lose print gems like Harper's "Readings" section, a compendium of found text and photography that always manages to congeal into a torturous, depressing whole. This month's edition brings you the story of Operation High Roller, a California investigation into hawk murderers. Wallow in the sad glory of print after the jump.Some magazines struggle to keep up with the shifting expectations for print journal's but Harper's has done a decent job keeping their magazine interesting. Whereas other publications fear dipping their toes into darker waters, the Readings section's dark investigations into torture and greed always did remind us of the best possible blog. Here the magazine reprints conversations between undercover officer Ed Newcomer of the Fish and Wildlife Service and people who keep "roller" pigeons. Such folks aim to protect their pigeon collection by eliminating natural predators like hawks and peregrine falcons, sometimes in sadistic fashion. In the following excerpt, Newcomer incriminates pigeon keeper Rayvon Hall by asking him how he kills the hawks.