American Idol: Bye Bye Miss American Pie
Richard Lawson · 05/06/10 12:41PMWell, there you have it. Yet another young dreamer has been dragged out of the glowing Idol Thunderdome and sent packing. We're down to four now, which means we've only three weeks left! Just six episodes. Phew.
LIVE: American Idol, Season Nine, Top 5 Perform
Matt Cherette · 05/04/10 06:00PMUnintended Consequences of the Blackface Trend
Amdesi · 10/30/09 12:28AMIn Australia, Blackface Is Still Only Slightly Offensive
Brian Moylan · 10/07/09 12:29PMLast night an Australian variety show aired a skit with five men in blackface performing as the Jackson 5. And the audience cheered! Thank goodness Harry Connick Jr was there to be the voice of reason.
Happy Birthday
cityfile · 09/11/09 07:08AM
CNBC's one-time "money honey," Maria Bartiromo, turns 42 today. Moby is turning 44. Marie-Josée Kravis, the wife of billionaire Henry Kravis, is 60. The rapper Ludacris is 32. Brokerage founder Muriel Siebert is 77. Hedge funder David Tepper is turning 52. Political operative Bill Cunningham is 59. Singer Harry Connick Jr. turns 42. Director Brian De Palma is turning 68. Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas is 38. Actress Taraji P. Henson turns 39. And hockey player Mike Comrie, who may be better known for being Hilary Duff's boyfriend, is turning 29. Weekend birthdays after the jump.
Kathie Lee and Hoda Put Harry Connick Jr. In A Sex Sandwich
Richard Lawson · 12/03/08 11:02AMThe trundling disaster that is the Today Show's fourth hour—in which Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford pick nits out of each other's hair and talk about hot flashes—rumbled into Horny Town Station this morning. Crooner Harry Connick Jr. was on, promoting something or other, and the ladies just could not get enough of him. Flanking him on two sides they made awkward sex sandwich jokes, prompting Kathie Lee to call the Egyptian Kotb "rye bread." Oy. Then Kathie made a joke about Connick's man business and somewhere Jeanie Linders cackled with delight and I had a flashback to my first year out of college, spent old lady wrangling. Clip is above.
Happy Birthday
cityfile · 09/11/08 06:53AM
It isn't the most auspicious day to celebrate a birthday, but what can you do? Today CNBC "money honey" Maria Bartiromo turns 41, which, in case you're wondering, means she's a full decade older than her primary competition, Erin Burnett. Others marking birthdays on this downer-of-a-day: Moby is 43. Marie-Josée Kravis, the third wife of billionaire financier Henry Kravis, is 59. Rapper Ludacris turns 31. Brokerage founder Muriel Siebert is 76. Hedge funder David Tepper turns 51. Politico William Cunningham is turning 58. And crooner Harry Connick Jr. is 41.