Harry Knowles Is Firmly 'Team Bale,' Former Assistant 'Team People-Bale-Screams-At'
Seth Abramovitch · 02/03/09 08:14PMFanboy King Thinks You Should Leave Christian Bale Alone!
Richard Lawson · 02/03/09 06:24PMVengeful George Lucas Crushes Critic Opposed to 'Stinky the Hutt'
STV · 08/11/08 01:00PM
We never thought it could happen, but the fanboy bloom may officially — and dramatically — be off the Star Wars franchise after 30 loving years of devotion: Ain't it Cool News boss Harry Knowles has written a scathing review of the franchise's new, animated The Clone Wars. And we mean scathing — vicious enough to not only shake our faith in geek compliance to its very foundation, but also rouse George Lucas from his afternoon cash-bath with a cease-and-desist order straight from the top.
Ain't It Cool News retracts "Clone Wars" review
Paul Boutin · 08/11/08 11:40AMClick to viewHarry Knowles, the founder of fan-driven movie site Ain't It Cool News, published an unabashedly negative review ("hated the score, the animation, the shots, the characters and most of all the retarded ******** idiot story") of the upcoming animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars a few days ago. Over the weekend, Knowles's post was unpublished, as we now say. Hollywood Newsroom cited an Ain't It Cool regular who claimed Lucasfilm got Knowles to yank the review — most likely by threatening to bar him from all future advance viewings — and reposted the review: