
Thievery in Paris, Sofia in Tokyo

cityfile · 12/05/08 03:55PM

♦ A sensational robbery was carried out at Harry Winston in Paris last night. Robbers—dressed in drag, no less—made off with $108 million diamond rings, gem-studded bracelets and other jewelry, making it one of the largest such heists ever. [AP]
Sofia Coppola is in Tokyo this evening to unveil her new line of accessories for Louis Vuitton. [WWD]
♦ Courtney Cox is the new face of Avon's women's fragrance, Spotlight. [WWD]
♦ "Save Anna" t-shirts have materialized, of course. [Racked]
♦ More on the party last night for Vera Wang's new boutique in Soho. [WSJ]

Cross-Dressing Thieves Steal the Most Jewelry Ever

Sheila · 12/05/08 12:12PM

How long does it take to snow a Paris Harry Winstons jewellry store for everything they've got—$102 mil worth of jewels, to be precise? Less than twenty minutes, if you're good. And dressed as women (wait, is this just the filming of a new Borat?) "The raid at 5.30pm on Thursday was the largest ever gems theft in French history and one of the most lucrative armed holds-ups ever in the world," reported the Daily Mail. Harry Winston lends jewels to all the Hollywood stars, so their bling might be looking a little bereft come Oscar-time.

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 02/12/03 10:07AM

· Courageous restaurateur Enzo Lentini is taking a stand against the insolent French by refusing to drink any of his French wine. [Page Six]
· EPA Chief and former governor of New Jersey, Christine Todd Whitman, was spotted at headhunter Heidrick & Struggles' Park Avenue office. Sources say "[She] wants out." [Page Six]
· Men's Health sex columnist Nicole Beland will be celebrating the launch of her book, The Girl Next Door tomorrow night at Lobby. [Page Six]
· Attendees at the Ken Park screening included Lou Reed, John Waters and Interview editrix Ingrid Sischy and Gizmodo Editor Pete Rojas. [Page Six...mostly]
· Ex-Tyco chief Dennis Kozlowski's 76th and 5th is up for sale and the brokers are circling. [Cindy Adams]
· Chicago producer Marty Richards lost a Harry Winston watch at Tavern on the Green on Saturday. The reward is $2000. (Or is it really just a marketing ploy to get people to actually eat at Tavern on the Green?) [Cindy Adams]
· Senator Chris Dodd on Richard Gere's remarks to Hillary Clinton at the AmFar dinner: "He's such a jerk...That was just rude. I would love to get him and Hillary in a room alone together. Let's see what would happen then."
· Playwright Tom Stoppard applying his speech prepared for Gwyneth Paltrow to stand-in, director Mike Nichols: "I think you'll agree that he does look ravishing tonight," Stoppard went on. "That he figures prominently in the fantasies of half the men in this room. And yes, I think you would have been totally wasted on Ben Affleck." [NY Daily News]
· Patricia Field's Fashion Week show is sponsored by K-Y Liquid, and she'll soon be curating "101 Alternative Uses for K-Y Liquid," a traveling exhibition. Walter Cronkite, when asked to pose with Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, and Bob Schieffer for a photo: "Could you bring them to me? I don't want to lose my place at the bar." Lizzie Grubman wants to open a bakery. [Intelligencer]