Bizarre Vanity Fair 100 Adds Anna Wintour, Vladimir Putin
Ryan Tate · 09/02/08 11:47PM
Graydon Carter and his team at Vanity Fair wisely, and not inappropriately, added Matt Drudge to their "New Establishment" list of important people readers should shamelessly imitate and pander to. The internet gossip ranks at 74, just above Donatella Versace and just below Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. More importantly, he posted the magazine's full list to his highly-trafficked website, thus encouraging his readers to go buy the magazine and figure out why, say, Vogue Anna Wintour has suddenly been added (mysterious) and why Russian strongman Vladimir Putin is entering the rankings this year at number (gimmick to generate buzz and boost sales). Other strange additions, and the full list, after the jump.