
The Week In Parties

cityfile · 08/08/08 12:19PM

1) Piaget launched its new Limelight Paris-New York Collection last night with a party at The Loft & Garden at Rockefeller Center, where Leighton Meester and Emmy Rossum (left) mingled with Liv Tyler, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Becki Newton, Mena Suvari, Joe Zee, Lisa Anastos, Lydia Fenet, Allison Aston, Adam Lippes, Roopal Patel, Zoe Kravitz, Philippe Leopold-Metzger, Geoffrey Bradfield, Gillian Miniter, Kate Schelter, Meredith Melling Burke, and Paul Sevigny. [FWD, PMc]

Harvey's Mom Supported Hillary, Too

cityfile · 08/08/08 10:20AM

So Harvey Weinstein isn't exactly the most generous mogul in town. But he gives plenty to political candidates, don't ya know? He was one of Hillary Clinton's most outspoken supporters during her ill-fated run for the White House, and even threatened to disrupt the primary when Democratic party officials didn't pursue a revote in Florida and Michigan. But it wasn't just Harvey who was so generous with Hill. His elderly mother, Miriam—for whom his first film company was named—handed over a total of $4,600 to Hillary in late 2007. As far as we can tell, it was the first time that the 82-year-old grandmother has ever donated to a presidential candidate. No doubt it was Hill's ability to connect with older women—and not Harvey's checkbook—that was responsible for the contribution.

Harvey Weinstein Hasn't Much To Give

Ryan Tate · 08/08/08 07:59AM

It's been such a rough couple of years for Harvey Weinstein. The movie mogul has seen disappointment at the box office, his MySpace for millionaires continues to flatline, the value of its video distributor has been decimated. Perhaps that's why his charitable foundation, set up in honor of his parents like former studio Miramax, contributed just 96,000 last year. Apparently that's not much when you're a man of means. According to Cityfile, just $64,000 of that amount went to actual charities, the rest being overhead. Assuming Weinstein isn't stashing his donations somewhere else, one has to wonder whether he hates the poors — or is just afraid of becoming one. (On the mogul scale, of course.) [Cityfile]

Harvey Weinstein: New York's Least Charitable Mogul?

cityfile · 08/07/08 01:52PM

Harvey Weinstein has had trouble coming up with box office hits as of late (and has had to contend with speculation that his film company may not remain independent for much longer), but he's not exactly in the poor house. He's got a lavish townhouse in the Village and a massive spread in Connecticut. And he's diversified into cable channels, magazines, websites, bars, and fashion companies. Does he give back to the community? Not so much! At least not when it comes to writing checks in honor of his mother and late father, Miriam and Max, for whom his previous film company, Miramax was named (and which he sold to Disney for about $80 million in 1993). Last year, the Max Family Foundation, which is controlled by Harvey and his brother Bob, handed out $96,000. When you subtract the foundation's legal and accounting expenses, though, the Weinsteins' charitable contributions total just $64,000. Documentation after the jump!

A Guide to NYC's Celebrity-Owned Bars and Restaurants

cityfile · 08/05/08 01:01PM

There's probably been a time or two when you've been tempted to check out a restaurant or bar simply because some celebrity supposedly "owns" it. Maybe I'll see Justin Timberlake devouring a plate of ribs at Southern Hospitality! Or I'll spot Robert De Niro slurping on some pasta at Ago! Restaurateurs know this, too, of course, which is why they're all so eager to attach a celebrity name—any one will do!—to their ill-conceived bistro, brasserie, speakeasy, lounge, or barbecue shack. We don't want to be the ones to crush your dreams and tell you that there's no chance you'll see these famous faces at these venues. Just in case you're the more optimistic type—or just curious who has a stake in what—we happily introduce the Cityfile celebrity-owned restaurant/bar map!

'Project Runway' Lawsuit Reveals That Tim Gunn Was Forced To 'Make it Work' For Free

Kyle Buchanan · 07/30/08 03:50PM

It's hard to place a value on irreplaceable Project Runway mentor Tim Gunn, and once upon a time, the Weinstein Company didn't even try. According to testimony this month from beleaguered mogul Harvey Weinstein (who's currently being sued by Bravo in the wake of Runway's network hop), Gunn was reimbursed during the first season of Project Runway for the low, low price of $0 per episode:

Tim Gunn Was Harvey Weinstein's Slave

Ryan Tate · 07/30/08 06:33AM

Remember how yesterday we told bloggers they should insist on getting paid because "someone is making money off your work and your content?" That argument applies to the creative side of pretty much any corporate media endeavor. But all rules have their exceptions, and Exhibit A, for today at least, is Project Runway mentor Tim Gunn. For the show's first season, Gunn worked for free, it has emerged in court. Meanwhile, Harvey Weinstein and his Weinstein Co. were milking the show for every last dollar. In season two, Gunn took home just $2,500 per episode. These days, of course, he has his own spinoff program, a best-selling book and a cushy executive suite gig at Liz Claiborne. So should everyone go throwing their labor around for free? Of course not! Here's why it worked for Gunn:

The Project Runway Battle Rages On

cityfile · 07/30/08 05:34AM
  • New revelations from the legal battle between The Weinstein Co. and NBC over Project Runway: It turns out that Tim Gunn didn't get paid a dime for his participation during the show's first season (he got paid just $2,500 per episode for the second), Harvey Weinstein hates Bravo chief Lauren Zalaznick, and Bravo didn't send Heidi Klum a respectable thank-you gift, even after the show became a major hit. [R&M]

Universal Pregnant With 'Inglorious Bastards' After Drunken Weinstein / Tarantino Three-Way

STV · 07/29/08 05:40PM

The completely fabricated demand for Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards — the subject of white-hot, Weinstein-fueled media speculation until a real phenomenon worth covering came along — is reportedly entering the realm of fact on its way to a deal at Universal. Variety notes today that the Weinsteins may partner with the studio for a 2009 release; few other details are available except that Paramount is/was the second choice of Tarantino and Harvey Weinstein and, of course, a conveniently planted reminder that Tarantino met with Brad Pitt in his recent casting quest.

Harvey Weinstein Makes a Blog

Pareene · 07/24/08 03:48PM

Weinstein Company head Harvey Weinstein is blogging away at Portfolio in a perfect storm of terrible news that we are required to cover. He is mad at you for going to Batman instead of some bullshit pretend indie he released to no acclaim. IT WON FOUR BAFTAS. The problem is the lying, biased media. "So, you see, its not that I'm not focusing on great independent films, it's just that no one is paying attention to them." So go see some weepie pretend indie and help Harvey Take Back the Multiplex! [Portfolio via NYO]

Harvey Weinstein Battles Against The Philistines

cityfile · 07/24/08 09:11AM

On Portfolio.com's new business luminaries-authored blog, ("Playas"? Really?), everyone's favorite tyrannical movie mogul Harvey Weinstein gets some stuff off his chest. You might be surprised—disturbed, even—to hear that while he is tirelessly dedicated in his efforts to get people to appreciate profound, important indie films, all the goddamn media cares about is promoting crappy blockbusters and writing about "the youngest young starlet."

What's Really Going On With The 'Zack And Miri' NC-17 Rating: A Defamer IM Exchange

Seth Abramovitch · 07/23/08 05:10PM

With news that the MPAA has given Kevin Smith's "hey—let's put on a sex show!" movie Zack and Miri Make A Porno—starring Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks and due for release this Halloween—a dreaded NC-17 rating, we turned to Defamer senior editor and resident Weinsteinologist S.T. VanAirsdale for analysis. The result was an iChat exchange we're seriously considering printing up and affixing to our fridge with a taxi-shaped magnet.

Weinstein's 'Myspace For Millionaires' Was Not The Greatest Idea

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/08 09:16AM

Page Six today brings news of a faaabulous bash in St. Tropez on the yacht of Denise Rich, the Clinton pal and wife of disgraced financier Marc Rich. And to help her bring out the real stars to her party, Denise has teamed up with Erik Wachtmeister, who runs A Small World, the much-hyped "Myspace for Millionaires" social networking site for the rich. How symbolic! Two years ago, fading mogul Harvey Weinstein invested in ASW, which got a bunch of press casting both of them as the vanguard of the Next Big Thing. Now, they're more like a coalition of the washed-up.

Batman Bale's Family Assault Interview

Ryan Tate · 07/22/08 06:39AM
  • Dark Knight star Christian Bale is accused of assaulting his own mother and sister. Police apparently waited to question Bale about the incident because "it would have been wrong to have wrecked the premiere." Yes, one wouldn't want to interrupt the celebration of a fictional vigilante crime fighter with an awkward attempt to, you know, fight crime. [Sun]

Tom Ford Jr., Stylista Hype and Pat Field

cityfile · 07/21/08 02:02PM
  • Tom Ford may or may not adopt a child, but if he decides to do so, he says that the unwashed public will never gaze upon the lucky creature. "No one will see the child and the child won’t be photographed." [FWD]

Yoda-Like Kevin Spacey Praises Quick-Learning 'Jedi Knight Harvey Weinstein'

STV · 07/21/08 01:10PM

Relief swept Defamer HQ today as we can finally close the book on the long, tortured saga of Fanboys, the terminal-cancer by-way-of-Skywalker-Ranch buddy comedy whose scissoring (and presumed dumping) at the hands of Harvey Weinstein provoked such authentic fanboy outrage last spring. But now a press release from Darth Weinstein himself announced that Fanboys will receive a second premiere this week at San Diego ComicCon — now with fans' "extensive feedback" added to the final cut.

Harvey Weinstein Offers Rare, Brief Tour of Where His Movies Go to Die

STV · 07/18/08 04:20PM

What will the world do when it no longer has Harvey Weinstein to kick around any longer? This isn't a rhetorical question, either — at least it doesn't feel that way after the latest in a growing stack of Weinstein Company pre-mortems hit the trades over the last 24 hours. BusinessWeek was first with a relatively tame primer on TWC's flagging slate, including Bob Weinstein's prediction that the $171,000-grossing John C. Reilly comedy The Promotion "may make us a few bucks" when the dust settles on home video. No rush, Bob — Wall Street and your 21-cent Genius Products shares can wait.